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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!

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A District Captain's Story

Published in Blog on February 04, 2022 by Dan Starkey

I do not have just one reason for joining the Convention of States movement.

Some champion term limits for federal officials, both elected and appointed. Some wish to balance the budget. For others, they hope to limit the power of Congress to tax and spend, which congress often does based on the desires of their most generous benefactors. Many want to repeal certain previous constitutional amendments (the sixteenth and seventeenth to be exact).

The list can go on, but it comes down to this: Patriotic Americans who believe in our nation’s promise of liberty for every citizen are fed up and so am I.

Ever since the New Deal, our national government has become less about protecting our God-given rights and more about being told by “experts” how we should live, what we should buy, what we should think, how we should feel about what we should think, how we should react to every new crisis, how it’s OK to spend our blood and treasure on undeclared wars, etc. The thing that bothers me most is that we are constantly told by people who we never even met that we “can’t.”

We cannot drive this car, cannot build that house, cannot take this medicine, cannot drain that mudhole, cannot raise this crop, cannot dig that pond. Enough already! I will grant that some of our people are a few beers short of a 12 pack, but most of us are perfectly capable of living our lives freely without harming our neighbors.

As it is, we can scarcely live one entire day of our lives without breaking some kind of government regulation we are completely unaware of.
We need a Convention of the States to convene and propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution which would stop this bureaucratic and fascistic runaway train that we call the federal government. Congress has virtually legalized its own corruption through self-serving legislation. Two political factions have locked up our election process so they and only they can win in most elections.

The annotated U.S. Constitution now numbers somewhere around three thousand pages, having been amended hundreds of times by black-robed elites who only have their monstrously powerful positions because of their political views – not because of their fidelity toward our founding in God-given individual liberty. The executive and judicial branches have pretty much surrendered the field to the Supreme Court and their only interest in it is to fill the bench with activists who will make law on their partisan behalf.

A Convention of the States is the only way remaining to peacefully bring about the change that our Republic so desperately needs-- JOIN US. Visit Convention of States to learn more, sign the petition and volunteer to help get this done in West Virginia.

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