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Convention of States!

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A Convention of States Will Provide Hope, Satisfaction, and a Unity of the Sovereign States

Published in Uncategorized on February 16, 2024 by mark maltbie

Submitted by Mark Matlbie, volunteer AMAC Delegate OH08, volunteer State leader, and avid COS supporter

Our country is being torn apart. People don't trust the government. And even the politicians are giving up. We are being ruled by executive order. People feel helpless as we descend toward succession of states or civil war. Some may want to move toward socialism, but clearly most would like to see the shortcomings corrected and government put back on the original path as a republic.

Electing the right politicians to go to DC and allowing further growth of the Federal government is not working. It is fueling the separation of the citizens of this country. Just as the convention in Philadelphia was not perfect and some left in disagreement, the same may happen today. But a Convention of States will provide hope, satisfaction, and a unity of the sovereign states and the people within those states. It will make possible for the people to effect change in our government and to right the direction this country. It can provide a feeling of power to the people and the states just as it was in Philadelphia.

The Convention of States can save this republic. It will promote the government working on behalf of the people under the dictates of the people. Just as equality of states was important back then, it is just as important today as the citizens of each sovereign state must be able to view their state on equal footing with every other state without the feeling that a more populous state holds more sway.

Players compete for positions on a team, but they also understand there must be a cohesiveness of actions to accomplish their goal of winning. While there may be stars players, the team cannot meet success without the equality of drive and support from all of the players.

Learn more about how a Convention of States under the authority of Article V of the US Constitution can offer hope, satisfaction, and unity of our sovereign United States.


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