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$400 Billion Bailout of Accountability

Published in Blog on March 08, 2023 by Michael Dempsey

Groucho Marx once said, “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.”
I ask you, “is there any liberal solution that is not worse than the concocted problem?”  From climate change to reparations, the Left is a master at the nonsensical.  

This mindset of liberals is a culmination of years of the corruption of common sense in education.  This phenomenon is nothing new.  It goes back several generations to the early 70s when, more precisely, it began in higher education institutions.

In 1970-73, as a veteran who had already served 4 years, I was an older student at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. The one saving grace for me: I was in the School of Agriculture, where some sanity remained.  Nevertheless, in some of my core academic classes, the aftereffects of the 60’s radicals on various campuses across the U.S. was evident.  My botany professor was a prime example.  He spent the better part of each 50-minute class spouting his leftist political views as truth.  Unfortunately, the wide-eyed 18-year-olds in the class soaked it up.  

Fast forward 20 years: some of those 18-year-olds are now college professors, or schoolteachers, spouting the same misleading lies… with certainty. 

Consequently, in education, we are 4-5 generations deep into delusions and misconceptions.  It is now well ensconced in grade schools where teachers have been trained for years in the same Critical Race Theory hooey that, unfortunately, their school boards embrace out of the same ignorance. Reading, writing, and arithmetic are replaced with videos, autocorrect, and new math.  Dewey Decimal has been replaced with Google.  Effort and creative plagiarism are now replaced with copy and paste.  (I didn’t really do that.)

The only place common sense and intellect resides is in those fortunate enough to not go to college and who got their education in the real world of farming, trades, construction, and owning a small business.  They don’t understand victimhood because they are too busy earning a living, being creative, and making a life, using common sense.

Conversely, college graduates in today’s world are inoculated with a victimhood mentality from day one in their higher education endeavors. Hence, their flawed logic says I should not have to pay back my student loans because I am special.  And why do they think they are special…participation trophies. 

It seems evident to this author that those little liberal ideas compound into big liberal ideas that defy real-world logic.  Hence, there is no remorse in college graduates who want their debt wiped clean.  Accountability is just a big word that is hard to spell.

The bottom line is… an Article V Convention of States proposing Constitutional Amendments imposing fiscal restraints, reducing the size and power of the federal government, and term limits will address this kind of obscene spending and possibly restore accountability.  And the first thing to go should be the Department of Education.  For more information on Article V Convention of States, click here.

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