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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


$1.2 Trillion Doesn't Begin to Cover It

Published in Blog on November 10, 2021 by Maria Moungelis Bedard


Is that enough? 


How about 1,200,000,000,228?

That's the size of the "infrastructure" package that was passed late Friday night plus the 228 members of the U.S. House of Representatives that it took to push it over the finish line. We're being told it's bipartisan because 13 Republicans voted in favor of the Bill. The nays were 206 - that's 22 votes in the space between lucid and irresponsible.

How about 1,200,000,000,229?

That's the above plus one President to sign it into law.

1,200,000,000,000 dollar bills stretched out is about one quarter of the distance from the earth to the moon. 1,200,000,000,000 seconds is equal to 38,051 years.

How many more reasons do you need in order support an Article V Convention of States to propose amendments that would reduce the size and scope of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints and term limits?

I've only needed one reason to support a Convention of States: I believe in the greatness of the United States of America and her Constitution.

On Saturday morning, I woke up with another 1,200,000,000,229 bipartisan reasons to support Convention of States.

I have 1,200,000,000,229 bipartisan reasons to be tired of elites in Washington getting between me, my family and our Constitution.

I hope you'll find that one reason to sign the petition and another 1,200,000,000,228 to share this link with your family and friends.

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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