In WV, our Convention of States Resolution, HCR31, is stuck in committee! Assigned to our House Judiciary Committee, under Chairman Moore Capito, our resolution, HCR31, has sat for weeks. We have heavy support for Convention of States both in the Judiciary Committee and in the House of Delegates as a whole and believe our resolution will pass in WV this year if we could get the resolution up for a vote! We're running out of time with only 3 weeks left in the 2022 session!
Will you, as a supporter, please step up, get involved to help make this happen?! Our legislators respond when they hear from informed, engaged constituents, and hand-written letters have proven successful. Will you please write to Chairman Moore Capito urgently asking he put the Convention of States Resolution, HCR31, on the agenda this week? And to House Speaker Roger Hanshaw asking that he make the Convention of States Resolution, HCR31, a priority to be passed out of the House and to the Senate this week?! As always, I ask and thank you for being respectful and honorable in representing yourself and COS.
Chairman Moore Capito Speaker Roger Hanshaw
WV Capitol Building WV Capitol Building
Room 418M, Bldg 1 Room 228M, Bldg 1
State Capitol Complex State Capitol Complex
Charleston, WV 25305 Charleston, WV 25305
Please get involved now. Help us in this work to save our country! I have found no moment spent for this cause to have been wasted. I believe you will find the same to be true. Be a part of the Action to save this nation by a Convention of States.
If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact either myself, Tracy Friend 681-668-7797; Dan Starkey, 740-225-9618; or Richard Glaw 304-719-9330.
Write Chairman Moore Capito