Convention of States Seminar
September 23, 20217:00 PM
Emmanuel Baptist Church
328 Shiloh Rd. Billings MT
The United States Congress will deficit spend over $3 Trillion dollars in Fiscal Year 2021. In the 2020 fiscal year, under a Republican administration the deficit was $3.1 trillion. The Congressional budget office estimates trillion plus deficits far into the future. No nation on a fiscally destructive path like this has ever survived.
Washington has become a gang of aging kleptocrats, thieves who plunder productive taxpayers and create intergenerational dependency for the poor, amassing trillions of debts that our children and grandchildren can never repay.
The solution is Article V, a state driven process to propose amendments to term limit self-interested politicians and put congress on a fiscal diet that will force sane financial decisions. The Article V convention of states will put Washington on notice that we will not be ruled by Presidential executive orders, 9 men in black, or an imperial congress who destroy our inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Come to hear Robert Natelson, the nation’s foremost scholar on the amendment process under article V of the United States Constitution. The solution is not in Washington.
At this event, Professor Natelson and Senator Tom McGillvray will explain how the solution to Washington dysfunction is in the state legislatures.
We can all be a part of the solution to save America.