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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!

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Arizona Team Page

Our COS Mission: Build an Engaged Army of Self-Governing Grassroots Activists.

Our COS Goal: Hold a meeting of the states, a Convention of States, according to Article V of the United States Constitution to reign in our runaway federal government to 1. Propose term limits 2. Impose Fiscal restraints, and 3) Reduce the size and power of the federal government.

Our Transcendent or Aspirational Goal is to have a spiritual and political awakening in America.

Our COS Core Values Full Color 

Our COS Leadership Approach: Servant Leadership, Author David Kuhnert Audio Book

Team Slogan: Saving Arizona's Future For Our Children

Open Forum Team Meeting: Every Monday night 7:00 pm-7:55 pm AZ Time.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 81155388011

Password: 334572 


Second Amendment Rally
March 1, 2025
1700 W Washington St. Phoenix, AZ 85007
10 AM -2 PM
1700 W Washington St. Phoenix, AZ 85007
Legislative District 10 Monthly Meeting
December 16, 2023 at 10 AM
Red Mountain Library in the Roadrunner Room
635 N. Power Rd. Mesa, AZ 85205 
Arizona Team Meetings in the Phoenix Area
January 16, 2024 7-8:30 pm
Pima Canyon Church
 Time to meet, talk info and share what’s next!

TelePatriot Missions are going on daily! 
  • Every third Saturday of the month is a national team live virtual call blitz! For all the details, click here
  • Why Become a TelePatriot -short video
  • AZ Telephone Page  -This is the information page being sent as a follow up text and email giving those we call 4 easy steps to joining our phone team.

GOTV Texting Mission Instructions:

  • Step 1: Download the COSGOTV app to your phone
  • Step 2: Let me know if you want to participate. A tag will be added to your profile: US-GOTV-Activst
  • Step 3: We will get you added to the mission and you are set to go!!
  • For a 10-minute video demonstrating how it works click HERE
    For a 2-minute video on How to Select a New Campaign click HERE

Coaching and Training Sessions offered:

Every Monday unless otherwise notified, from 4:30 to 6:00 pm AZ time-join Joyce Berry, ARD for Citizen Builder Training for DC's/DC team members or anyone interested. 

Citizen Builder Training with Anne Aycock (National Technical Support Team) Monday at 8:00 pm Eastern. To register, Click HERE

Past Recordings:

Monday, June 13: Pima Canyon Church monthly meetings; LMT review

Monday, May 22: National news; Upcoming events; round the room

Monday, May 15   Round the Room; Preparing to educate our supporters and team members about upcoming 2024 elections-Elections in general.

Monday, March 20: Speaking Presentations

Monday, March 13: Ernie Borgoyne featured speaker on flyers and targeted emails. From MA as shared by Beth Outtrim (note-you need to be signed in to citizen builder to view: The 15 Minute Patriot 

Monday March 6, 2023   We hear from different team members; update re several upcoming Events; new short videos ; new store items. Thank you to Carole Wilson for organizing the phone call mission!

Monday February 27, 2023: First 1/2 of meeting not recorded-observing the WY House Floor Vote; Second 1/2-Andrew Barkman updates national TP mission-adds AZ CTA; Events.; Legislative update

Monday February 20, 2023:  First 1/2 of meeting not recorded-observing the WY House Floor Vote; Second 1/2-Andrew Barkman updates national TP mission-adds AZ CTA; Events.; Legislative update

February 13, 2023: (Abbreviated due to an emergency) Pam and Carole both have events scheduled; Email went out to all AZ DC's; Follow Up update. 

January 23, 2023 Team Meeting Preview 1.28 In Person Phone event in Phoenix; David Wardle introduces Legislative CTA; Guest speaker: Andrew Barkman

January 16, 2023 Team Meeting Introduction of the AZ Team Page; Team members update each other on meetings and events.

January 9, 2023 National TP Mission Kick Off

December 19, 2022: DC Donna Weiss shares her November election experience; Joelene Williamson shares beautiful family photos, DC Bart Anderson is leading an in person Patriot Academy Constitution Live/ Biblical Citizenship course in January. Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! 2023 Here we come!

December 12, 2022: Check out the new Events Page and the AWESOME Supply request form (EASY).Mark your calendar for next week to bring your favorite beverage and Christmas snack and let's talk family, COS, the holidays! What do you hope for in 2023? Be sure to catch next Wednesday's COS At Home with Jonathan Viaud -special guest will be Lt. Col. Allen West!  Prayers for complete healing from the holiday flu bug or anyone with illness in general: David Keckta, Jolene Williamson, David Wardle  

December 5, 2022 :  The list of Freshman Legislators; Joyce Berry,  Associate Regional Director shares the Legislator Contact Checklist Grassroots Guide

and Jason Girard's Day 1 of the 12 Days of Activism!-Build Relationships

November 28, 2022

November 21, 2022 :Arizona by the numbers-a look at the National Scorecard, Citizen Builder Activity, Petition and Volunteer Interest growth; Slack contest; Introducing the NEW COSGOTV texting app!; Guest attendee Andrew Barkman: Arizona will lead the nation in trying a new Recruiting approach: TP and Texting app. First priority right now Georgia GOTV through Dec 6. Then focus on Phoenix- Mike Beeny is calling 22 people in the Phoenix area; We have an email going out with a survey questionnaire; Update on David K's call to action-moving forward-AZ will be the first to start a new approach; Dates for Monday meetings through the first week of January 2023. Happy Thanksgiving! God Bless You!  

November 14, 2022 :Slack-Let's start a conversation; Recruiting project/mission working with Andrew Barkman. The legislative session starts January 9. Open discussion: AZ election. Next meeting Monday November 21 Thanksgiving week! Let's share one thing we are thankful for! God bless.

November 7, 2022 : State Leadership Changes

State Communication Coordinator Ideas

  • SMW's: share your referral URL daily across all social media platforms
  • SCW's: write a blog a week featuring an AZ team member, event, or approved call to action. Include photos

Additional Resource Links available 24/7 365 days a year:

Passed States Activities and Resources

Leaders Roundup

COSAction App

Map of state Capitol in Phoenix

Legislator Contact List: A Grassroots Guide








Click here to get involved!

Physicians for COS

The diagnosis is clear.

We have a growing cancer today known as the Obamacare. As a result physicians are no longer free to practice medicine.

No profession feels the full force of the federal government more than physicians. The medical profession is the most highly regulated profession in the United States. The practice of medicine is controlled, taxed, and regulated to the point of being destroyed by the heavy hand of the federal government.

Physicians are told how to bill, how much to charge, and how to treat patients. They are mandated to use expensive electronic medical records. The federally enacted HIPPA (Health Information Privacy and Portability Act) makes the communication between physicians and atients burdensome, inefficient,and expensive. Every physician is required by federal mandate to register with the government to obtain an NPI (national provider identifier.) We are required by federal law to obtain and pay for a license to prescribe medication through the DEA, which is separate from our state licensure.

This heavy hand of government not only oversees the largest federal health bureaucracy ever created, but by extension reaches into every state, every city, and every small town to regulate how every licensed physician practices the art of medicine and how citizens obtain care.

The treatment is also clear.

The prescription for a cure was written into our constitution by our founders. Article V of our constitution allows for the states to call for a convention of states to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government through the proposal of constitutional amendments. Physicians should be the strongest supporters of this brilliantly-crafted states’ rights tool placed into our constitution by our founders.

I urge my fellow American physicians to join with me in supporting an Article V Convention of States to take back control of the practice of medicine. It’s the only way that we can return the practice of medicine back to the intimate relationship between a doctor and patient without interference by the heavy hand of a distant, national government.

Jeffrey I. Barke, M.D. Family Physician Newport Beach, CA
Convention of states action

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