Welcome to State Information Analyst training Part 2!
1. Learning the Acronyms & Setting up your Technology
Convention of States uses a lot of Acronyms. Use this Acronym Guide to find the meanings when you run into new ones.
- Open the email asking you to confirm your new COS email account and click the link inside.
- Download the COS Action App to your phone (iPhone / Android) and sign into it.
- Watch Telepatriot training videos.
- National Training Video
- As an SIA you will need to be able to walk cos volunteers through the the process of making a telepatriot call. Please make a few calls on an active mission for the purpose of getting a good understanding of how the app works. Beyond that you are not required to make telepatriot calls, but you are always welcome to.
- Join the Slack Workspace (Wisconsin COS) via the email invitation that you will receive.
2. Convention of States University (2 hrs, 16 min)
The SIA 100 course will teach you how to do things on our website, so you may want to have a computer or laptop available to follow along in parts.
To access this course login to COS University using the same email and password you made for this website. (Reset your password here.)
- SIA 100 State Information Analyst Introduction (36 min)
- DC 100 District Captain Leadership Training (1 hr, 40 min) DC 100 is focused on the role of District Captains and how they use our systems. Providing technical support to District Captains will be a large part of your job so use this course as an opportunity to better understand the goals of District Captains and how they use the systems you will be helping maintain.
You will need to watch the videos and read the documents in this training center and record each section that you finish using the "Record My Activity" buttons located after each section.
If you encounter difficulties in this step please reach out to our Wisconsin SIA Team
4. Submitting Action Reports
Action Reports are a critical part of uniting all our individual efforts into one focused movement. They can be made through the COS Action App or the COS Website. Watch the videos below and save/print the instructions for your future reference.
- Watch Action Reports from the COS Action app
- Watch Action Reports from the COS Website
- (Website) Action Report Instructions: Print/Download (text) (text and images)
- Direct Link for submitting New Action Reports
If you have completed all these things then call/text/slack/or email your Wisconsin Grassroots Coordinator. .