A silent killer is prowling the streets in America.
It lingers in our restaurants, grocery stores, and pantries. We pay it to kill us, turning a blind eye to the merciless trail of bodies left in its wake.
That silent killer is known as the American diet.
According to Food & Health correspondent Allison Aubrey, “The data are stark: the typical American diet is shortening the lives of many Americans. Diet-related deaths outrank deaths from smoking, and about half of U.S. deaths from heart disease – nearly 900 deaths a day – are linked to poor diet. The pandemic highlighted the problem, with much worse outcomes for people with obesity and other diet-related diseases.”
Another alarming statistic shows that “77 percent of youth between the ages of 17 and 24 cannot qualify for military service” due to poor health.
Everyone — including our enemies abroad — can see that we have more than just a problem on our hands: the American malnutrition crisis is ravaging our nation from the inside out, shrinking our life expectancies, and robbing us of our vitality.
But who do we have to thank for unleashing this deadly endemic?
Allison Aubrey may have diagnosed the problem correctly. But her prescription — “establish a federal ‘food czar’” — is illogical.
It’s illogical because the federal government is, at least in part, responsible for the problem.
Here’s why.
As Mark Meckler recently wrote, “Government subsidies encourage farmers to grow more food than necessary,” which caused “the number of calories available per capita in America to skyrocket.” Now, cheap, enticing, processed snacks follow us everywhere we go, encouraging us to eat (and spend!) way more than necessary. Chips, candies, and sodas adorn checkout lines, not only in grocery stores but also in malls, bookstores, and furniture retailers.
Notably, checkout aisles never offer fresh fruits and vegetables — only health-wrecking, metabolism-killing fake “foods.”
When doctors recommended “eating the rainbow,” I don’t think they meant Skittles and Mountain Dew! So, why aren’t we offered more healthy foods?
SEE ALSO: The American obesity crisis is getting out of hand
Mark Meckler continued: “Interestingly, the government does not heavily subsidize vegetable or fruit crops. Corn crops, by contrast, received $2,198,824,000 in government subsidies in 2016 alone. Indeed, according to one source, corn, soybeans, wheat, grain sorghum, barley, oats, cotton and rice ‘receive about 70-80 percent of all government payments’ and ‘account for over 75 percent of total US crop exports.’”
And what’s so bad about corn crops? The Washington Post, in an article titled “How corn made its way into just about everything we eat, answers: “Today, the United States is the largest producer and consumer of corn — and by a long shot. Corn is in the sodas Americans drink and the potato chips they snack on; it’s in hamburgers and french fries, sauces and salad dressings, baked goods, breakfast cereals, virtually all poultry, and even most fish. The grain is so ubiquitous that it would take longer to list the foods that contain traces of it than to pinpoint the ones that don’t.”
By financing corn production, the federal government saturated the market with ultra-processed junk foods. Now, from crackers to canned foods, our foods come loaded with ingredients, like high-fructose corn syrup, linked to obesity, liver disease, and Type 2 diabetes. In other words, the federal government has made it easier and more convenient than ever for us to kill ourselves on a diet of mouth-watering but death-dealing foods.
Moreover, the medical-industrial complex, which benefits greatly from Americans’ poor health, is disinclined to make the proper adjustments to improve their patients’ diets. That is why I recently saw a grocery store offering free cake to anyone who received their vaccine shot!
So, how can Convention of States help? Once again, the old Reagan adage rings true: “Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”
In this case, the government — or a federal government food czar — is not the solution to our bad health. The government is the culprit. A food czar, we can imagine, would only make the problem worse.
If the federal government persists in pouring money into crops that make us sicker so that they can “medicate” us, we must roll back their intrusive and failed hand in health and nutrition. An Article V convention enables us to do exactly that.
We should not have to put up with an unaccountable government that poisons its own citizens. It’s time for Americans to take their health and well-being into their own hands and shrink the government down to size.
Sign the petition below to get started!
Worried about Americans’ bad health? Here’s how Convention of States can help.
Published in Blog on October 21, 2024 by Jakob Fay