The people of Italy recently elected, democratically, a supposedly “far-right” conservative, Giorgia Meloni, to serve as Italy’s first female prime minister, and the American media went into full meltdown mode.
What sets Meloni apart from most politicians these days is that she seems relatively clearheaded about the meaning of life, the things that make life worth living. She is willing to admit that meaning and purpose do not ultimately come from government, which, in the era of politicians who vie to become pseudo-gods, is a refreshing declaration.
“Why is the family an enemy? Why is the family so frightening?” she asked in a widely circulated video. “There is a single answer to all these questions. Because it defines us. Because it is our identity. Because everything that defines us is now an enemy for those who would like us to no longer have an identity and to simply be perfect consumer slaves. And so they attack national identity, they attack religious identity, they attack gender identity, they attack family identity. I can’t define myself as Italian, Christian, woman, mother. No, I must be citizen x, gender x, parent one, parent two. I must be a number. Because when I am only a number, when I no longer have an identity or roots, then I will be the perfect slave at the mercy of financial speculators…. We will defend the value of the human being…. Because each of us has a unique genetic code that is unrepeatable. And like it or not, that is sacred. We will defend it. We will defend God, country, and family.”
Meloni is touching on the modern world’s crisis of meaning, something politicians rarely do nowadays. But for denouncing our firm reliance on government, she has become the left’s new poster child for unhinged right-wing fascism.
“You have American leftists in the media… alleging that Benito Mussolini was just elected prime minister of Italy,” Mark Meckler, president of Convention of States Action shared on the latest edition of his Sunday night Battle Cry. “I’m not kidding you. Comparisons to Benito Mussolini. Comparisons to Hitler….. Giorgia Meloni… was elected on a platform, get ready for it, it’s radical. It’s crazy. It’s fascist,” he said, mockingly. “Family. God. Country. Borders. Conservative, western values. Shocking! Exactly like Benito Mussolini! No, of course not.”
Meloni’s opponents fail to explain exactly how her traditionalism or belief in God, country, and family over faith in the government make her into a danger to Europe or a Mussolini-type figure for her people. Rather than vilify Meloni, however, the American media would be wise to learn a lesson or two from her recent election.
“I think this is incredible news coming out of Italy, and we’re starting to see this stuff… come out of all of Europe,” Meckler explained. “Europe is swinging to the right. And why is this happening? It’s happening because the woke world doesn’t work. Woke don’t work, baby. That’s just the way it is. When people try to impose a woke world, a socialist world, a utopian world on the real world, eventually it crashes and burns.”
The former interim CEO of Parler points out that political parties have been foisting “wokism” all over Europe and in the wake of its insanity, everyday people have been forced to pay the consequences. This has resulted in an anti-woke backlash that is just beginning to play out, resulting in Meloni’s election and other conservative victories. America should read the writing on the wall: “wokism” very well may be poised to suffer the same fate in our country.
Unfortunately, for now, our politicians still expect us to find our all in all, our sustenance and identity in them or the political causes they expect us to care about. As Matt Lewis, senior columnist for The Daily Beast admits, “while liberal modernity offers us significant peace and prosperity, it does not offer what many people crave: Purpose, meaning, tradition, and romance.”
Giorgia Meloni’s victory is indicative of a deep-seated yearning for transcendent values. No government or woke political cause could ever satisfy our hunger for meaning and happiness–we can only ever find those things in God, family, country, and traditional values.
So, as America’s political elite blasts Meloni, perhaps we should remind them that the anti-woke comeback beginning in Europe is bound to make its way into America.
To hear the rest of Mark Meckler’s thoughts on the topic, watch the full episode of the Battle Cry below!
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‘Woke don’t work, baby’; Mark Meckler on Europe’s anti-woke comeback
Published in Blog on October 03, 2022 by Jakob Fay