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to call for a

Convention of States!


Let's pack the House! Hearing at the capitol in Wisconsin

Published in Blog Hottest on November 09, 2019 by Sarah Peloquin

Here in Wisconsin, the Convention of States movement is growing as we reach milestones in the fight to get an Article V resolution passed in our state legislature. We’ve already had a hearing in the senate committee and are now eagerly anticipating our hearing in the assembly.

This is a chance for COS Article V supporters to fill the room and raise our voices in unison. To remind our state legislature that We the People are in charge of the federal government and our recalcitrant federal child is in need of some firm boundaries in the form of amendments to our Constitution.

Congress won’t fix themselves, our judicial branch is now the highest and most dangerous authority in the land, and the President is one man on a runaway train heading straight for the broken tracks with the breaks cut.

On Wednesday, November 13, we’ve reserved room 328NW at 8am, for COS supporters to rendezvous before the 10:00 a.m. assembly hearing in the North Hearing Room on the 2nd floor at the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison (2 E Main St, Madison, WI 53702), where we will once again be able to lay out our argument for an Article V convention.

We'll head over before 10:00 a.m. to register in favor of AJR 77 at the door on the iPad or using their QRC code on your smart phone. There should be someone available to help you.  

RSVP by clicking here to let us know you’re adding your voice and/or your presence at the capitol. Thank you all for your support as we’ve fought this battle.

Stay in prayer for open ears and hearts and keep fighting the good fight to restore our Constitution and this amazing republic before we lose it to the greedy powers of an out-of-control federal government.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Joanne Laufenberg

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