Many promises were made during the 2016 Presidential campaign. One of Donald Trump’s main promises was to — say it with me — drain the swamp. I love swamp-draining, because most Americans are sick and tired of the politics-as-usual in Washington, DC. At the Wall Street Journal, Kimberly Strassel writes about the very swampy IRS… and how nothing has been done to hold that agency accountable since Trump took office:
Donald Trump promised to drain the swamp, and here’s a seven-month progress report: The Washington bog is still as wide and fetid as ever. Consider that Mr. Trump’s Justice Department has inexplicably continued to defend the IRS’s misdeeds under President Obama.
Voters put a Republican in the White House in part to impose some belated accountability on the scandal-laden Obama administration. And the supreme scandal was the IRS’s assault on tea-party groups—a campaign inspired by congressional Democrats, perpetrated by partisan bureaucrats like Lois Lerner, and covered up by Mr. Obama’s political appointees. This abuse stripped the right to political speech from thousands of Americans over two election cycles. To this day, no one has answered for it.
I talked to Strassel while she was writing her piece and had to admit — regrettably — that “the posture of the DOJ and the IRS under the Trump administration is identical to the posture under the Obama administration. Nothing has changed.” That’s because the same corrupt, partisan Obama-era lawyers are still there. They’re still doing the same things. If ever a place has deserved to be drained, it’s the IRS.
Strassel echoes the sentiment of most Americans when she states that this is not acceptable:
There is no question the IRS did wrong. It has been documented by the Treasury Department’s inspector general and admitted by the IRS itself. It’d be one thing if the plaintiffs were demanding a billion-dollar payout, but they aren’t. Their main request is that the IRS come clean on what happened, and the government is resisting with all its power. The real question is why the Justice Department is even fighting this suit, when it ought to be leading a renewed investigation into what happened and how it got covered up.
I agree. It’s a shame that this ever happened in our nation’s history. We have a unique opportunity to let the guilty pay for what they did to patriotic Americans. I admire Donald Trump’s proclamations about “draining the swamp,” and the IRS is in bad need of draining.
This is clear-cut abuse. There’s no reason to waste another day before justice is done.
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