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to call for a

Convention of States!


When will we unite and fight back?

Published in Blog on May 17, 2020 by Thomas Ward

What is it going to take before all the people of the United States of America unite and fight back against tyrannical government?

Will we unite after the socialist state rounds up political dissidents and forces us to stand in bread lines? Or will the people cower in fear, as this public display is intended to make us do?

You’d think that having our rights curtailed, being mandated to stay home, or getting a little check for doing nothing (while the bills piled up because many weren’t allowed to work) would be enough to encourage everyone to take back control of their lives.

I, along with several million other patriots, are fighting back now to determine who decides what happens in our lives.

We are uniting to call an Article V convention to propose amendments that will restrain our overreaching government (their spending, power, and terms of office). We need your help to make it happen faster. There are no bullets flying, nor any risk of any injury worse than a paper cut.

Remember, everything you want in life is on the other side of fear. If not for you, join the team for your children, grandchildren, and all future generations. They can help too by applying for the internship program, spreading the word on their phones, contacting legislators, etc.

Tom Ward is an active volunteer in technology, content writing, and legislative efforts in Conover.

Contact (414-750-0327) anytime and (608-726-2962) before 5:00 p.m. Go here to see the positions we have set up. If you don't see anything that fits you, we can make a new one. Whether you have one hour a week or 20, there's a place for you.

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Convention of states action

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