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What is Gold to a WI State Legislator?

Published in Surge Article on February 02, 2023 by Write Handwrtten Notes & Letters to Your Legislators

Votes are Gold to any political animal.  One of the best ways to maximize votes is for State Legislators to take positions on the right issues.  You, the State Legislators constituents need to tell them what issues you are passionate about.

Hand written notes and letters are GOLD to Wisconsin State Legislators because these communications tell them you are aware, watching, and telling them what your issues and needs are.  

It is relatively rare for State Legislators to receive hand written notes and letters from their constituents.  In the modern age, emails, voice mails, are the norm.  Hand written notes and letter stick out.  The recipient immediately thinks “This person used some effort to hand write this out.”  Or “This is not reproduceable like emails.”

In the last election the State of Wisconsin had 25 Legislative Seats change legislators. Wisconsin Convention of States Action (COSA)needs to educate these new Legislators about Article V and the awesome power they, and we as a Representative Republic hold.  

Here they are:


Article V of the United States Constitution says our power as citizens and Convention of States supporters resides with our State Legislators.  They hold the key to restoring America to self-governance.  

Our first step educating and befriending our Legislators is occuring Wednesday February 15, 2023 with a Wisconsin State Capitol Surge.  Convention of States Wisconsin will be delivering a folder of selected information about Article V, Convention of States, endorsers etc. to each new legislator.  

Please write your legislator a hand written note or letter congratulating them on winning their recent election.  And tell them you are a Convention of States supporter.  
We would like to include a hand written congratulatory note or letter to your new legislator.  Send them GOLD.  

Please write your note or letter and mail it by Monday Feb 13, 2023 to  

Art Binhack, 1298 Waukesha Rd  Caledonia, WI 53108

If you have questions feel free to call Art Binhack, Wisconsin Director, Convention of States, 262-930-1677

Thank you!  Your efforts really do make a differece!  Your efforts are Gold.

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Convention of states action

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