Outgoing South Carolina Rep. Mark Sanford's heart is in the right place. But this isn't how to encourage Americans to take the Constitution seriously.
Rather than giving children candy for Halloween, the representative filled a basket with pocket Constitutions rather than Snickers or Skittles.
Happy Halloween. Accordingly, Pocket Constitutions are at the ready for today’s trick-or-treaters. pic.twitter.com/hnQTfeCPHy
— Mark Sanford (@RepSanfordSC) October 31, 2018
Sanford is right to encourage his constituents to pick up a copy of the Constitution and read it. But if we really want to return the nation to our heritage, we're going to need something more inspiring.
That's why millions have already joined the Article V Convention of States movement. Convention of States volunteers and supporters understand that our nation began to go off the rails the minute we started to forget the clear meaning of our founding document.
The Constitution outlines a clear balance of power between the state and federal governments. Unfortunately, decades of bad Supreme Court decisions have destroyed that principle and empowered the feds far beyond what the Founders intended.
The Convention of States Project is seeking to restore the Constitution to that intention. By proposing constitutional amendments that limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, a Convention of States can reinstate a balance of power and give We the People control of our nation's future.
Sign the Convention of States Petition below to restore the Constitution!