Let’s be honest, our dear nation is in terrible shape. The separation of powers within our federal government provided by our inspired Founders really does not function as they designed it.
Over-dependence on the Supreme Court now controls the essence of government, with the Judiciary and the Executive branches effectively doing the job the Legislative branch should do while our lawmakers abdicate their authority. Laws are being selectively enforced by an erring Department of Justice, depending on what you believe or what your political affiliation may imply. Our national borders are wide open, weakening the sovereignty of our nation, and creating an undue burden on the taxpayers.
A few short years ago, we had become energy independent, while we currently must buy the bulk of our oil, even from sometimes hostile nations. We borrow and spend money as if our money supply is as deep as the ocean. Our foreign policy dictates that we support foreign countries financially before caring for our own citizens and national infrastructure. Our schools indoctrinate our children, forgetting their duty to provide a first-rate education that will enable our children to live productive lives while enjoying widespread employment opportunities. Crime is rampant in our major cities. We are observing food and product shortages we had never imagined. Our state and federal leaders locked down our communities during the COVID-19 scare, depriving their citizens of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our children could not attend school. Many could not even attend church or worship as they choose.
Our God-given rights are being trampled upon by the very people we elected to lead us and protect our freedoms.
The world many of us know today in America is upside down compared to the way things were when we were growing up. We periodically ask ourselves why. The federal government has usurped much of the power and decision-making abilities of the individual states and the people. I might add that the states have been willing accomplices in this, as they accept federal money in return for promises to do as the federal government requests. As this happens, our state leaders draw further and further away from the constituents they serve at home. So, here we are, living in a time when citizens are often unaware of what their legislators, elected by them, are doing in their life as legislative representatives.
Our Founding Fathers believed each citizen should learn the Constitution to ensure that they each understood what their individual rights are. They also taught us it is our duty as citizens to stay informed about what our lawmakers are doing, to communicate with them, and to let them know what our feelings are on various subjects important to us and our local communities. With our demonstrated apathy, we, the people, have largely created our own problem. We do not know what our legislators are doing; we do not hold them accountable, and we as a people are unaware of political involvement at the local, state, and federal levels.
If we as citizens awaken, taking the counsel of our Founding Fathers, and become citizen activists by the millions across our great country, we can turn this around. Listen, I know it is hard to change, to leave our comfort zones, to really get involved in self-governance as someone who has been inactive in the past. The path to activism is worth the effort because we have a country to save.
The first thing to do is simply pay attention, have inquiring minds, look around, and find out what is going on socially and politically all around us. We must identify worthy news sources that we can trust, investigate political podcasts, and talk radio. We must be consumers of worthy news to realize what is unfolding all around us. Negative social trends need to be identified because these shifts in societal values can be reversed politically most times. Social and political issues often go hand in hand, and we must be aware.
After you find out what is going on around you, what is your next step? Now is the time to use your newfound awareness to take action. It is now time to get off the couch and engage with your community. Look into attending school board meetings to identify critical race theory, social and emotional learning, or teaching and counseling that promotes gender awareness or sexual theories targeting children too young to understand. Ensure they firmly entrench schools in education, not indoctrination.
Identify political candidates that share your personal values. Support them by contributing financially or by making phone calls or going door-to-door on behalf of your candidate. Attend related political meetings to support these efforts. Volunteer to work your local elections as a clerk or election judge. Provide oversight to ensure that our elections are fair and secure and that every vote counts. You might even become a precinct committeeman to engage more fully within your immediate vicinity to encourage your friends and neighbors to get out to vote.
Take the time to further serve by joining organizations that promote a return to constitutional government, such as the Convention of States movement or many others. These organizations all require volunteers as their lifeblood, or they could accomplish nothing. Citizen-based grassroots organizations are promoting awareness and education about important topics to all of us. The citizens of America must open their eyes to the true situation in which they find themselves. Grassroots organizations are essential to this process.
You will feel a sense of fulfillment as you take part in your local government. As you serve others, you will feel rewarded. Finally, as citizen activists, we must turn more fully to God for inspiration and to join other citizens in prayer that our nation might be saved.
Click here to take action and if you haven't already, sign the COS petition below.
This article was submitted by Dale Tipton from Indiana.