There's no better way to celebrate Independence Day than by joining a parade, and that's exactly what Convention of States Patriots did all across the country!
Parades are a great way to tell the people in our communities about a Convention of States, and state teams from Ohio to Connecticut to Utah took the opportunity to join Independence Day celebrations to spread the Article V message.
Article V pairs perfectly with Independence Day. On July 4, we celebrate how our Founding Fathers refused to live under the tyranny of a far-away centralized government. They declared their independence and their right to self-governance, and they dedicated themselves to pursuing a better future for their children and grandchildren.
Today, we face a similarly tyrannical all-powerful federal government. But thanks to the foresight of our Founders, we don't have to wage a bloody revolution to secure those rights. Article V allows the states to come together and call a Convention of States to propose constitutional amendments that limit federal power.
Once approved by 38 states after the Convention, these amendments can reduce federal power, eliminate federal agencies, reduce federal spending, and limit the terms of office for federal officials. These amendments can restore our rights of self-governance and, like Independence Day in 1776, declare to the world that We the People won't live under tyranny.
To join the team in your state and get involved in next year's Independence Day celebrations, sign the petition below!