How often have we heard that an Article V amendments convention might “run away” or that, paradoxically, such a convention (a constitutional provision, mind you) poses a threat to our Constitution?
While these unfounded fears are often echoed by fringe right-wing groups like the John Birch Society, they are also frequently exploited by lobbyists backed by George Soros as a tool to dissuade lawmakers from endorsing our Article V resolution.
We must, however, be frank about why these activists oppose us — they oppose us because we pose a threat to their established power and control. George Soros vehemently opposes the convening of an Article V convention, and he is sparing no effort to obstruct our progress, even resorting to the propagation of outright disinformation.
Just how misinformed are his lobbyists? See for yourself.
WATCH: Soros-backed lobbyists are DEAD WRONG about COS
Published in Blog on January 30, 2024 by Article V Patriot