“I have a deep love for this great but bruised and battered Republic,” declared Shannon Murphy, a veteran and COS District Captain, at a committee hearing in Maine. “I spent most of my adult life defending it, as well as our Constitution. I cannot comprehend,” he added, “how we got where we are today.”
He lamented that future generations, “in the unlikely event that there’s still a United States left for them to live in,” will be burdened by this generation’s astronomical federal debt.
“No one in their right mind believes the federal government can continue to spend money that it will never have,” he told lawmakers. “Both parties in Washington… say they’re going to fix the insane budget issues. But we all know they won’t.”
Nevertheless, despite this bleak state of affairs, Shannon still has hope that we can revive the principles of self-government that made America the greatest experiment in liberty in human history. How? Watch Shannon’s full testimony below to learn what gives him hope for the country.
WATCH: Self-Governance made us the greatest nation on earth. It can revive us again.
Published in Blog on October 05, 2023 by Article V Patriot