Tamara Scott, the national committeewoman of the Republican Party of Iowa, has been spreading misinformation and slander about Convention of States for years.
Enough is enough.
Convention of States Senior Vice President for Legislative Affairs and attorney Rita Peters fired back this week in a point-by-point takedown of Tamara’s most egregious fabrications, challenging viewers to reject the lies and embrace the truth about Article V.
“For those of you watching,” Rita said, “I invite you to decide. Do you want to cower in fear, or do you want to stand up and be counted among the American patriots throughout history who acted boldly and decisively, with courage and conviction, because they refused to squander the blessings of liberty bestowed on them?”
Tamara has been wielding debunked arguments to stall our efforts in the Hawkeye State for long enough. Fortunately, her words are collapsing under Rita’s careful scrutiny.
As a concerned citizen and American patriot, you must know the truth about Article V and why Iowa should join this historic movement to save America… immediately.
Check out and share this informative video from Rita to help ensure that Tamara Scott no longer stands in the way of our progress! Watch here.
Sign the petition below to get involved!
WATCH: Rita Peters DEBUNKS major COS opponent
Published in Blog on September 26, 2024 by Article V Patriot