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Convention of States!


WATCH: Iowa delivers preliminary victory

Published in Blog on February 12, 2024 by Article V Patriot

The grassroots did it again, folks! Convention of States Action outpaced expectations with a history-making first full week of February, complete with multiple legislative hearings and groundbreaking strides toward the first-ever Article V convention. To stay in the know about our relentless efforts to secure liberty in America using the Founders’ constitutional safeguard against tyranny, tune in weekly to COS NOW, a video recap highlighting the most significant COS-related news of the week, or catch up on these updates right here on the COS blog.

1. Mark Meckler & Sen. Santorum pen border security op-ed for The Daily Wire

NOW is the time for the states to step up and reclaim sovereignty over their borders. We don’t need to argue with the Federal Government or beg them to do it. We can take it back through an Article V convention of states.

That is the message Convention of States President Mark Meckler and former Senator Rick Santorum presented to readers in their latest op-ed for The Daily Wire, “Why Texas Does Not Need To Beg The Feds To Protect Its Interests.”

Read the entire article here.

2. Iowa House Committee PASSES Convention of States resolution

The Iowa House State Government Committee passed the Convention of States application for an Article V convention on Wednesday by a vote of 12-11, advancing the resolution to the full House for debate.

The committee's decision follows a series of hearings, including a subcommittee hearing on Tuesday, in which former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum delivered an impassioned testimony in support of the bill.

Learn more about this historic occasion here.

3. Ohio patriots FLOOD state capitol, drown out myths about COS

Highly trained, equipped, and skilled Ohioan supporters of the national grassroots call for an Article V convention flocked to their state capitol on Tuesday for a public hearing on Convention of States, highlighting the overwhelming scholarly evidence in favor of the constitutional process. Facing several rounds of critical questioning, the grassroots capably cut through lawmakers’ doubts and worries, dismissing common misconceptions about Convention of States.

Read more about their “masterclass” testimony here.

4. Reviving the American Dream: COS celebrates another historic week

From Hawaii to South Dakota to Rhode Island and many more in between, the grassroots army of self-governing citizen activists turned out in an impressive show of force in the first full week of February. Wielding its weighty political leverage to advance the Article V application, this people-centric movement silenced those who still wonder, “Are you getting anything done?”

You better believe we are!

Click here for an in-depth report of our wide range of recent legislative progress.

All this and more is highlighted on the most recent episode of COS NOW, available below. Ensure you don't miss a single moment of the action by staying tuned to COS NOW!

Click here to get involved!
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