With millions of dedicated grassroots scattered throughout the country, Convention of States is hard at work every day to convene the first-ever Article V convention, advance self-governance, and preserve liberty in America. The inspiring men and women who stand behind this movement have pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to each other and the cause. Why?
“We have to do something to preserve this country,” said Mary from Minnesota. “What we’ve enjoyed and what my parents enjoyed is all at risk right now.”
“I'm not prepared to say I didn’t do anything,” echoed Mark from Iowa, reflecting on the condition of the country he is bequeathing to his grandkids.
Watch these grassroots testimonies below, and sign the petition below to join the largest self-governing army of grassroots activists in American history.
WATCH: Grassroots activists speak out against tyranny
Published in Blog on November 03, 2023 by Article V Patriot