Colorado Sen. Kevin Lundberg, who served as a commissioner at both Simulated Article V Conventions, including the most recent in August, praised the 2023 Simulation as slightly more sophisticated than its 2017 predecessor. Echoing other attendees, including Mark Meckler, Michael Farris, and Sen. Rick Santorum, Lundberg expressed that the Simulation demonstrated that the Article V process works, noting that, at a real convention, commissioners would have more time to “polish” amendments.
“What we’re doing here, today, is showing how the process would work and the legitimacy of this effort,” he told Rita Peters.
“Also, remember this: any day Congress meets, they can propose amendments,” Lundberg added, warning that, unlike at an Article V convention, Congress is not limited in the kinds of amendments it could propose. For instance, while a gun control measure would not be germane at a COSF convention, Congress is free to propose a sweeping gun control amendment any day.
“An Article V convention, with the states,” the commissioner continued, “is a much more measured, careful process that, as we know, takes years to put it all together.”
Watch the rest of the Senator’s interview below.
WATCH: Congress vs. convention - Sen. Lundberg compares amendment routes
Published in Blog on August 24, 2023 by Jakob Fay