In a recent interview, America’s Constitution Coach and the founder of Patriot Academy, Rick Green, urged state legislators to call an Article V convention, arguing that the convention method is a “peaceful” civil war preventive.
“The founders knew this,” Rick explained on the “Man in America” podcast. “At the end of the [constitutional] convention in 1787… Colonel George Mason gets up and says… ‘What happens if the federal government decides to add to their power without us giving them permission from the states…?’”
He went on to point out that, at the time, the only way to take back government power would be for the government to relinquish it willfully—but “when has that ever happened?”
“So that is when [Mason] said we need a way for the states—without the feds involved—to crush these guys back into their box—put them back, limit their jurisdiction.”
Consequently, Mason introduced and the framers unanimously ratified the second clause of Article V, which gave the states legislatures, in addition to the federal government, the power to amend the constitution and thereby rectify federal abuse.
Rick Green revealed that he urges state lawmakers “every day” to employ this powerful tool, citing historical examples of how the 11th Amendment, for example, was passed to negate an unpopular Supreme Court case (Chisholm v. Georgia).
“Don’t tell me we can’t overturn the federal government,” he continued. “Don’t tell me that the “Supremacy Clause” means they get to do whatever they want…. We have got to start using the peaceable means at our fingertips. And if we don't use the peaceable means, we are going to end up in civil war.”
An official endorser of Convention of States, Rick Green is exactly right. Frustration and animosity are at record highs, and yet many states have flatly refused to employ Article V.
What other option do we have? The federal government is trampling our rights; We the People cannot afford to be lethargic.
Join America’s Constitution Coach and millions of like-minded patriots in support of Convention of States today, when you sign the petition below!
WATCH: America's Constitution Coach urges state legislators to use Article V
Published in Blog on June 19, 2023 by Jakob Fay