Who: Convention of States Wisconsin, Ernie Thackeray – District Captain, Tomah & Betty Stoltenberg – District Captain Team
What: Stop by our table, visit and learn about Article V of our U.S. Constitution and how it empowers you!
When: Thursday June 22 from 9am to 7pm, Friday June 23 from 9am, to 8pm, Saturday June 24 from 9am to 6 pm
Where: Recreation Park 1625 Butts Avenue Tomah, WI
Why: Washington DC and the Administrative State are out of control – We the People can place limits on them.
Stop by our table at the Budweiser Dairyland Super National Truck & Tractor Pull. We can tell you about Article V of the U.S, Constitution. It is a check and balance our founders gave us, in our original Constitution. It empowers our own WI State Legislators to place limits on Washington DC’s craziness.
https://ConventionofStates.com Facebook.com/COSProjectWI Twitter.com/COSProjectWI
Convention of State’s is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Convention of States Action is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization and does not support or endorse any party or candidate. COSA is focused on educating the public on specific issues.