TEXAS PATRIOTS: We need your help! First, watch this video:
As you know, we are advocating for the Republican Party of Texas to make removing the expiration date from the COS resolution a legislative priority for the 2025 legislative session AND keep COS as part of the RPT party platform. Unfortunately, our opposition is working hard to thwart our efforts at the GOP convention, which is taking place right now!
How can you help? We need YOU to contact your Senate District's committee member for the Legislative Priorities Committee and the Platform Committee. Please ask your Platform Committee Member to support Convention of States by voting to keep it in the platform, and ask your Legislative Priorities Committee member to vote to add it back to the list of priorities. Below is a list of the committee members and their contact information.
Legislative Priorities Committee | |||
Senate District: | Committee Member: | County: | Email: |
SD01 | Brett Rogers | Smith | brett@shootmealready.com |
SD02 | Donna Carter | Navarro | Navcopct308@zohotmail.com |
SD03 | Mike Jackson | Angelina | mljackson1@gmail.com |
SD04 | Loretta Emmons | Chambers | lomike98@sbcglobal.net |
SD05 | Michael Salvo | Williamson | michaelvsalvo@gmail.com |
SD06 | Robert Garay | Harris | rjgarayuh@gmail.com |
SD07 | Teresa Thomas | Harris | tjthoma@msn.com |
SD08 | Kristi Ratliff | Rains | rainsrepublicanchair@gmail.com |
SD09 | Dan Tully | Tarrant | dltully76@gmail.com |
SD10 | Brady Gray | Parker | bgray@parkercountygop.com |
SD11 | Ericka McCrutcheon | Harris | erickamcc@sbcglobal.net |
SD12 | Peyton Inge | Denton | Peyton.inge@protonmail.com |
SD13 | Don Hooper | Harris | dhooper@soarenergy.net |
SD14 | Jeff Frazier | Travis | jeff@jefrazier.com |
SD15 | Rolando Garcia | Harris | rdgarcia03@gmail.com |
SD16 | Dr. Preeti Malladi | Dallas | preeti.malladi@gmail.com |
SD17 | Henry Bohnert | Brazoria | henrybohnert@yahoo.com |
SD18 | Paul Yamarick | Lavaca | ypaul4321@gmail.com |
SD19 | Rhonda Marquardt | Kinney | Rhondamarquardt@gmail.com |
SD20 | Eddie Zamora | Hidalgo | buffalohands13@gmail.com |
SD21 | Julie Dahlberg | Wilson | julie@juliedahlberg.com |
SD22 | Devvie Duke | McLennan | devvieduke@yahoo.com |
SD23 | Stephanie Gonzales | Dallas | sgonzales1993@gmail.com |
SD24 | Davis Ford | Bell | davisford@hotmail.com |
SD25 | Johan Gervais | Comal | johannesgervais@gmail.com |
SD26 | Richard "Rick" Briscoe III | Bexar | Richard.Briscoe@gmail.com |
SD27 | Jeneria Lewis | Cameron | jeneria.bayview@gmail.com |
SD28 | Susan Williamson | Menard | susanjwilliamson@verizon.net |
SD29 | Hans Sassenfeld | El Paso | hsassenfeld@elp.rr.com |
SD30 | Spencer Brolsma | Denton | spencer.brolsma@gmail.com |
SD31 | Jeff Russell | Ector | JEFF@GOSEEPAUL.COM |
Platform Committee | |||
Senate District: | Committee Member: | County: | Email: |
SD01 | Darren York | Fannin | dyork.tx@aol.com |
SD02 | Dennis London | Rockwall | Dennis.london@gmail.com |
SD03 | Tony Robertson | Hardin | tony.robertson@rocketmail.com |
SD04 | Dale Inman | Montgomery | DALE77304@GMAIL.COM |
SD05 | Michelle Evans | Williamson | michelleevansfortexas@gmail.com |
SD06 | Marga Mathews | Harris | marga0207@gmail.com |
SD07 | J R Haas | Harris | jr.haas4libery@gmail.com |
SD08 | Stephen Kallas | Collin | Accordingtokallas@att.net |
SD09 | Tamma Gunn | Tarrant | gop_3247_tx@yahoo.com |
SD10 | Cary Cheshire | Tarrant | carycheshire@gmail.com |
SD11 | Dr. Gina Smith | Galveston | gina@drginasmith.com |
SD12 | Cindi Castilla | Dallas | ccastilla@sbcglobal.net |
SD13 | Dr. Milinda Morris | Harris | precinctchair0490@gmail.com |
SD14 | David Armstrong | Travis | txdra@yahoo.com |
SD15 | Brian Vachris | Harris | gbrianvachris@att.net |
SD16 | Brian Bodine | Dallas | briankbodine@gmail.com |
SD17 | Peter Batura | Harris | pbatura@reagan.com |
SD18 | Carter Thomas | Austin | carter.thomas@frontier.com |
SD19 | Warrington Lee Austerman | Bexare | wlausterman@me.com |
SD20 | Andrew Duarte | Nueces | andrewduartesr@gmail.com |
SD21 | Terry Harper | Guadalupe | gop.terryharper@gmail.com |
SD22 | Jon Ker | McLennan | jon@jonrker.com |
SD23 | Elaine Cook | Dallas | elaine@sd23texas.org |
SD24 | Andrew Eller | Bell | ajeller921@att.net |
SD25 | Patrick Von Dohlen | Bexar | patrick@votepatrick.org |
SD26 | Melinda Roberts | Bexar | MelindaRoberts@kw.com |
SD27 | Isela Lindquist | Cameron | Isela.ccrw@gmail.com |
SD28 | Dan Pickens | Taylor | danpick46@gmail.com |
SD29 | Mark Dunham | El Paso | DunhamMark@yahoo.com |
SD30 | Christine Whitmore | Grayson | christine.whitmore@protonmail.com |
SD31 | Thomas Warren | Potter | LILYELLOWBUS37@GMAIL.COM |
THANK YOU for taking action to help us at this convention! We will keep you updated on developments. As always, we are grateful for your continued support of Convention of States in Texas! God bless!