"Well, it's eight o'clock in Boise, Idaho..."
So begin the lyrics to the hit song "What's Your Name" by Lynyrd Skynyrd that charted well in the late 70s.
Today, February 17 at 3:30 p.m. ET/1:30 p.m. MT in Boise, Idaho, Convention of States volunteer activists will chart their own hit during a hearing of the House Committee on Judiciary, Rules and Administration.
The committee is slated to hear testimony regarding the COS Resolution -- House Concurrent Resolution 10 -- to call for a limited-purpose Article V convention.
Former U.S. senator and current Convention of States Action senior advisor Rick Santorum, coming off of his virtuoso performance in New Hampshire, is also expected to testify in support of the resolution.
You can watch the action take place in real time on COS LIVE:
H.C.R. 10 is sponsored by Rep. Jordan Redman, who represents District 3. According to the agenda, the committee will also consider H.C.R. 9, which is 34|Ready model legislation concerning how Idaho will select commissioners to an Article V convention.
Remember, it's 3:30 p.m. ET/1:30 p.m. MT in Boise, Idaho, on February 17, at which time Idaho will have the opportunity to hear from a group of dedicated volunteer grassroots activists for liberty who will make the case for an Article V convention. Music to our ears!
To keep the music of liberty and limited government going, sign the petition below: