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to call for a

Convention of States!

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Time to Act! Surge on the capitol January 16th!

Published in Blog Hottest on January 08, 2019 by Joe Stephans

Time for you to act! 

Join us January 16 at the Capitol for a full day of engaging your legislators and their staffs in advocating for our Convention of States resolution in the 2019 session. You are the Second House of Nebraska! 
Click here to RSVP!

Our day starts at 9:30am in Room 1510 with welcome messages from Regional Director Brandon Benson.

In Room 1510 we will have Convention of States informational material for you to give to your senator and their staffs as you visit with them. We will have Convention of States pins and clothing from the Convention of States store for you to pick out and wear to show our colors.

Room 1510 will be our base of operations in the morning. We will pair you up with an experienced Convention of States team member and take you up to the Rotunda and show you how to pull your senator off the floor and advocate for our resolution. 

At 11:45am we will start gathering in the Rotunda for our rally and press conference. Our speakers include Brandon Benson, Senator Steve Halloran (our resolution sponsor), and other select co-sponsors of the resolution. We are inviting the press to attend and welcome their questions. Please help us get a large group of people to the Rotunda for the press and photographs.

After the rally and press conference, we will continue to speak with senators and staff. Our base of operations will move to Senator Halloran's office after noon. We will continue to assist visitors until approximately 5:00pm or until the session adjourns for the day.

Can't make the rally? Act from home!

Our Nebraska Home Surge page provides you three fast ways to get involved from home. Our team can help you with your letter to your senator online beginning on January 9. Details about our Home Surge program and links to join us online also are on the Home Surge page.

If you have questions about the home surge or the rally, please email me or our Regional Captains by clicking this link.

Here is why we act: the national debt is at $22 trillion, federal courts are exceeding their authority, and over 63,000 pages of new regulations printed in 2018.

Washington, D.C., thinks they are in charge. They're not!

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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