Something begins to happen when politicians spend 10, 20, 30, 40 years isolated in screened-off communities, shielded from their own bad decisions. They lose sight of reality. They inhabit delusional fantasies. Having created a world that works perfectly for themselves, they forget that the outside world — real America — is not always so agreeable.
While regular Americans’ incomes rise and fall as a consequence of Washington’s financial policies (whether good or bad), the politicians’ net worths continue to climb. While regular Americans are forced to live within their means, Congress has not balanced its budget in over 20 years.
You can see how, once the crème de la crème spends long enough in that sort of responsibility-free bubble, it begins to embody cock-eyed views about its own importance and the efficacy of its efforts. Movies depict this well. Antagonists are often thoroughly convinced that their work — wicked though it may be — is of the utmost import, vital for the good and future of humanity. Tucked away in elite corners and exclusive clubs, they arrogantly presume that they know how to govern you better than you know how to govern yourself.
“You see, boys, everybody thinks they want freedom, but what they really want is order,” an Imperial bureaucrat brags in “Star Wars.” “And when they realize that, they’re gonna welcome us back with open arms.”
This is what happens at the World Economic Forum (WEF), for example, where establishment puppeteers plot humanity’s future from secluded locales, including, most prominently, Davos. “Together, we continue to strive for a better world, where cooperation and trust lead to lasting progress,” the international organization proudly proclaims.
Of course, it’s much easier to imagine one has the answers to all the world’s problems while sipping on negronis in a remote Alpine resort town. At the Annual Davos Wine Forum Tasting, guests wait in line for an hour to enter “the famed soirée, which offers guests a curated selection of so-called ‘100 point’ wines from around the world, such as the 2003 Chateau Latour which sells for $995 a bottle.” CNBC hosts nightly cocktail receptions, garnishing drinks with its Peacock logo. In 2016, Cossack dancers dressed as flight attendants spoonfed guests black caviar.
These are the ultra-rich socialites and “world community” planners — who purport to speak for the whole of humanity. We’re supposed to congratulate, thank, and worship them for saving us from, well… ourselves.
Well, forgive us, kind overlords, if we are less than enthralled with your oh-so-benevolent reign, but somehow, it seems unlikely that you, from your lofty perches in Switzerland, know what’s best for the coal miners in Wyoming.
Or the truck drivers in Alabama.
Or the school teachers in Mississippi.
As The Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts made clear when he spoke at the Forum in 2023, the elites very rarely — if ever — speak for or represent the values of middle America. Watch:
These people genuinely think they’re “helping us.” In reality, they have become our enemies.
The longer they hide themselves away in places like Davos, vowing to rewrite humanity’s future, the more out of touch with reality they become.
The more everyday, down-to-earth folks distrust them.
That’s what’s happening in Washington, D.C., too. Less than one-fourth of Americans have a favorable view of the federal government. And yet, federal officials continue to believe they are making this country a better place.
They continue to think we need them.
That’s why, earlier this year, when Representative Larry Bucshon announced his retirement from Congress following the 2024 session, he said the one word he would use to describe Congress was “misunderstood.”
Not corrupt. Not dysfunctional. Not power-hungry or broken. Misunderstood.
In effect, he was saying, “The American people don’t understand how important we are. How much they need us! Congress’s biggest problem isn’t internal — it’s external. If only the American people weren’t so blind!”
If anyone is blind, Mr. Bucshon, it’s not the American people. It’s you. It’s those who have wrecked our kids’ future in this country even as they line their own pockets. It’s those who carouse like Prince Prospero and his “hale and lighthearted friends” within the “deep seclusion of one of his castellated abbeys,” even as the outside world suffers.
Klaus Schwab and his cohorts have been visiting Davos for over half a century. In 2022, the Senate enjoyed a 100 percent incumbent reelection rate. At this point, they’re living in fantasies — fantasies of their own self-importance.
At the end of the day, we must ask ourselves a simple question: Who cares more about your kids and their futures? Career politicians in Washington and aristocrats in sequestered ski resorts? Or you and your family?
If the elites really spoke for the American people, they would immediately term limit themselves (the vast majority of Americans want term limits). But, of course, they don’t, and they won’t.
Our overlords aren’t about to release the reins of power. Not until we force them.
Prince Prospero has held court for long enough. It’s time for “We the People” to use an Article V convention to send him home, recapture control of this country, and save America for our children and grandchildren.
Far from an elite-centric movement, the Convention of States grassroots army consists of everyday patriots and concerned fathers and mothers. Join millions of your fellow countrymen in support of the Article V solution when you sign the Convention of States petition below.
Those who wrecked our kids’ future and where to find them
Published in Blog on September 23, 2024 by Article V Patriot