Melba Kiser understands better than most why we can't let socialists gain power in our country.
She was born in Cuba, but her parents fled their country after Fidel Castro came to power. Castro shut down the religious school that Melba and her siblings attended. One of his captains stole her father's car after stopping him on the side of the road. Some of Castro's soldiers forced her father, who was an eye doctor, to treat an injured soldier.
Her parents knew that this kind of top-down, tyrannical government wouldn't allow their kids to grow up in peace. They knew that the bigger a government gets, the more oppressive it becomes.
Fortunately, we still have ways in this country to keep the socialists from controlling our daily lives.
We can vote in this upcoming election for those candidates who share our values.
We can also call the first-ever Article V Convention of States.
Socialists have gained a foothold in our country because the Supreme Court has interpreted the Constitution to give enormous power to the federal government. Socialists see an opportunity in these decisions, and they know that they just need to gain the White House and a majority in Congress to make their dreams a reality.
We need a way to reverse those bad Court decisions, and we can do it with a Convention of States.
A Convention of States is called under Article V of the Constitution and has the power to propose constitutional amendments that limit the power, scope, and jurisdiction of the federal government. These amendments can reverse those bad Court decisions, eliminate many federal agencies, and force Washington to legislate on only those issues expressly mentioned in the Constitution.
We don't have to go down the road of Cuba, Venezuela, or other failed socialist states. We can reassert our right to self-governance, and our most powerful tool is an Article V Convention of States.
Sign the petition below to let your state legislator know you want your state to become one of the 34 states necessary to call a Convention.