Big-government politicians are milking the COVID-19 crisis for all it's worth and, in the process, destroying our economy.
It's no secret that massive COVID-19 "relief" spending contributed to skyrocketing rates of inflation. But federal politicians almost never learn from their mistakes, and they aren't about to start now.
House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi insisted on Thursday that Congress should pass even more COVID spending to the tune of $22.5 billion. Falling back on her go-to excuse for pandemic spending, she called the extra cash "science."
"The fact is, the $22 billion for COVID is absolutely necessary. In fact, we probably will need more as we need more therapies," she said. "One of the pieces of this [appropriations bill] is to buy the pills that will be — you get a [symptom of COVID] and you take the pill. It’s no longer about something being a sub-freezing temperature only, having a shelf life, a certain amount of — this is science, this is going forward. So I would hope that they would see the wisdom of the science of what we need to do in terms of COVID."
She failed to explain why the federal government should pump even more money into the economy as inflation rises. She failed to explain why Washington should concern itself at all with COVID as case numbers and deaths plummet. And she failed to explain why she's supported policies throughout this pandemic that have made Americans poorer, sicker, and more oppressed.
The truth is, she can't explain any of these things. Like all other big-government politicians in Washington, she's dead-set on controlling every area of our lives. The COVID pandemic was the perfect excuse to do that, and she's not about to give up that excuse.
In the meantime, the American people suffer from inflation, a weakened economy, and tyranny. They want to freedom to make their own decisions and pave their own way without regulations or handouts from the federal government.
That's why over five million Americans have joined the Convention of States movement. An Article V Convention of States is called and controlled by the states and has the power to propose constitutional amendments. These amendments can limit federal power, spending, and terms of office -- the three things federal politicians most prize.
More importantly, amendments proposed at a Convention of States can put We the People back in control of our country's future. No more giant federal spending bills. No more overreaching bureaucracy. No more Nancy Pelosi dictating the future of our country.
To get involved, sign the petition below!