Limited government patriots have long suspected that the furor over the climate change "crisis" is nothing more than a Trojan Horse. Plans like the Green New Deal use global warming as an excuse for big-government takeover and the dismantling of the free market economy that has made the United States the most prosperous nation in the history of the world.
These suspicions were well-founded, but climate change warriors have always insisted that their schemes were about reducing carbon emissions and lowering the earth's temperature.
That is, until now.
The Washington Post reported over the weekend on a conversation between Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's (D-NY) far-left chief-of-staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, and Washington Gov. Jay Inslee's climate change director
According to the Post, Chakrabarti had an "unexpected disclosure":
“The interesting thing about the Green New Deal,” he said, “is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all.” Ricketts greeted this startling notion with an attentive poker face. “Do you guys think of it as a climate thing?” Chakrabarti continued. “Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.” [emphasis added]
There it is, folks. The chief of staff for one of the most recognizable faces in Congress admitted that AOC's signature plan was never about climate change. It was always about instituting a top-down, big-government takeover of the American way of life, and just because the Green New Deal crashed and burned doesn't mean politicians like AOC have stopped pursuing their socialist agenda.
We have to put a stop to this before it's too late, and a Convention of States is the best way to do it.
An Article V Convention of States is called and controlled by the people and the states and has the power to propose constitutional amendments. Once ratified by 38 states, these amendments can limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government so that no manufactured crisis can ever again provide an excuse for government takeover.
Millions of Americans have joined the movement, and 15 states have signed on. Sign the Petition below to add your name to the list!