Did you catch President Trump's epic rant about dishwashers and showers? Convention of States Action President Mark Meckler broke it down in a recent op-ed, and it proves how much Americans HATE over-regulation.
This is the way to my self-governing heart.
President Donald Trump was in Milwaukee Tuesday night, saying words Americans wanted to hear: he promised to roll back Obama’s Department of Energy efficiency standards on household appliances like dishwashers, lightbulbs, toilets, and showers that make it harder and harder to actually get domestic tasks accomplished.
“I’m also approving new dishwashers that give you more water so you can actually wash and rinse your dishes without having to do it 10 times — five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 times. Anybody have a new dishwasher?” he asked an enthusiastic crowd. “I’m sorry for that. I’m sorry for that, it’s worthless. They give you so little water. You ever see it? Air comes out. So little water. So what happens? You end up using it ten times.”
He complained about having to wash dishes “the old fashioned way. You’re spending ten times for the electricity! I’m sorry if you just bought one of those brand new pieces of garbage, but darling, you can throw it back,” he said. “Sinks, toilets, and showers‚ you don’t get any water. They put restrictors on them… Try going and buying a new faucet. You turn it on, no water comes out, right? You go into a shower — and I have this beautiful head of hair, I need a lot of water.”
The crowd loved this.
“You go into the shower, right? You turn on the water. Drip. Drip. Drip. I call the guy, ‘Is there something wrong with this?’ ‘No sir, it’s just the restrictor.’ So, you’re in there five times longer than you are supposed to be. You’ll probably use more water. And it’s a very unpleasant experience, right? You’re going to have full shower flow. Full sink.”
Love it.
A writer for the American Spectator, who also works at a Washington D.C. “think tank,” explained some of the heroic work the Trump administration is doing to get around some of the ridiculous regulations.
“Then regulations began, demanding less water be used, then less and less. The regulation specifically included a clause saying no later administration could roll it back,” Jay D. Homnick explained. “As the water allowance shrinks, the dishes take longer and longer — two to three hours on average today.”
But the Trump administration couldn’t just fix this, they had to figure out a way to maneuver around all of the regulations.
First they ascertained that there were none of the old, fast washers in stock at any of the American manufacturers. Since there weren’t, they could now be reinvented. So the rule, now being moved through the comment process, says as follows: a new category will be recognized, under the heading “Fast Dishwashers,” defined as machines capable of completing a washing cycle in under 60 minutes.
I don’t know about you, but these seems like a big improvement.
The new category of “Fast Dishwashers” will not be subject to the restrictions extant on the plain vanilla category of “Dishwashers,” thus allowing them to use sufficient water to complete the load in an hour or less.
Smart! How sad it is that we have to jump through these extraneous hoops just to clean a plate.
Thank you, Trump administration, for truly trying to drain the regulatory swamp.
Trump is trying his best, but any of these executive measures can be overturned by the next administration. The American people need a way to permanently cut the bureaucratic red tape, and they can do it with an Article V Convention of States. A Convention of States can propose constitutional amendments that limit the jurisdiction of the federal government, prohibiting them from ruling and legislating on everything from healthcare to education to the environment.
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