In a recent bombshell report, Open the Books exposed “the Washington, D.C. power couple that cost taxpayers nearly $1 million per year.”
Be forewarned: what they discovered is more than a little unsettling.
Most of us have heard about Dr. Anthony Fauci, of course. But as the truism goes, behind every great man is an even greater woman. Or in this case, behind a dangerous man is an even more dangerous woman.
For more than three years now, intense scrutiny has been directed at Anthony Fauci for his work during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. But Open the Books has put a new emphasis on Mrs. Fauci, Dr. Christine Grady, and how she enabled her husband to make millions even as the virus and government lockdowns plagued the nation.
In the words of their report, “[t]he Faucis are important to the center-left, because they represent the pinnacle moment of the administrative state – top-down public policy run by an elite group of government scientists.”
Open the Books Founder and CEO Adam Andrzejewski reported that Mrs. Fauci, an unelected doctor, outearned the Vice President of the United States. And of course, her paycheck came straight out of the pockets of the American people.
Andrzejewski also pulled back the curtain on a disturbing connection between Mr. and Mrs. Fauci.
“I've benefited greatly from this partnership of overlapping interest and common interest,” said Anthony of his wife’s influence on his public policy decisions. “So, a lot of the things that I do with regard to the development of vaccines, the development of therapies, being involved with outbreaks and pandemics, have ethical overtones to them. I can say that I am very blessed to be living with someone who is very likely, most people think, one of the most outstanding ethicists in the world. To have her in the house -- you know, as a consultant on ethical issues—is pretty advantageous.”
Perhaps most disturbing of all, Christine Grady revealed she and her husband knew his policies on social isolation and government-forced lockdowns would have consequences on the mental and economic health of the nation.
“[W]e've had conversations about the sort of consequences of telling people to stay home and what it would do for the economy. And there were a lot of people in those days that, and still who said, it's ruining the economy. It's much more important to just keep things going and not worry about transmitting [the] virus… I said, that one of the messages should be, how many lives are you willing to sacrifice? And that message would be pretty stark and pretty brutal, but that's really what the trade-off was…And so we've had that kind of conversation over dinner more than once, actually.”
Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Fauci, as doctors, were deciding for the whole nation whether the consequences of keeping people trapped in their homes were worth it. Of course, they are allowed to make scientific decisions. But they are not politicians. No one elected them or gave them the power to make those decisions for us.
We’ve all known Mr. Fauci was a part of this for years now. Open the Book’s report only goes to show how corrupt the system is in Washington. D.C. and the terrifying power bureaucrats hold over our lives.
More than anything, it speaks to the need for an Article V convention to root out bureaucrats like the Faucis who have the power to control our lives under the pretext of “science.”
To join us in urging state legislators to use Article V of the Constitution to end D.C. corruption, sign the petition below.
'The pinnacle moment of the administrative state': Inside D.C.'s most notorious 'power couple'
Published in Blog on March 31, 2023 by Jakob Fay