It's election season, which means the nation is engulfed in debates about policy, personality, and politics.
But, believe it or not, there's a more important question than whether we quell the rioters, adopt Medicare-for-all, or loosen gun control regulations.
Those are all questions about what is decided. Americans have debated those questions for years, and the dominant answers fluctuate as each election cycle brings in a new batch of politicians.
The more important question is who decides? In our obsession with the national election, many Americans are forgetting about this most important question. We can always change policies. It's much more difficult to change the balance of power between the federal government, state governments, and local governments.
As Mark Meckler explains in the video below, the federal government has slowly expanded its power until Washington politicians and bureaucrats exert far more power than governments closer to the people.
As Mark says, the only way to shift the balance of power back to the states is with an Article V Convention of States. No matter who wins the 2020 election, the federal government will still be too big and too powerful. The feds will make too many decisions for the American people, and the voice of average Americans will be smaller than ever.
It's time to take a stand. Join the 4.4 million Americans who have voiced their support for an Article V Convention of States. These Americans understand that the only way to change how Washington operates is via constitutional amendments proposed by the states. These amendments can limit the power of the federal government, mandate term limits for all federal officials, and impose fiscal restraints on Congress.
To join the movement, sign the petition below!