President Trump released his proposed budget to Congress this week, and even a cursory glance proves the truth of the old adage, "The more things change, the more they stay the same."
When it comes to irresponsible national spending, Republicans have proven to be just as bad as Democrats.
In fact, according to a recent report from The Washington Examiner, Trump's new budget will add just as much national debt as former President Obama's.
President Trump’s fiscal year 2020 budget projects that he would add nearly as much to the national debt in eight years as former President Barack Obama did during his tenure.
The proposed trillions in added debt proposed by the administration run counter to Trump's criticisms of Obama and congressional Democrats.
"Funny to hear the Democrats talking about the National Debt when President Obama doubled it in only 8 years!" he tweeted on Nov. 29, 2017.
Trump's budget runs trillion dollar deficits through 2022, despite major proposed cuts to entitlements and other domestic spending.
In total, the budget sees Trump adding approximately $9 trillion to the national debt through 2024 if he stays in office that long, only slightly less than the $9.5 trillion added to the debt during Obama's eight years in office.
Trump's budget also relies on optimistic assumptions, including that the country will enjoy strong economic growth for all his time in office and that Congress will accept all his proposed spending cuts.
We don't have a personnel problem in Washington, D.C. Every time we send a new, "better" batch of representatives to our nation's capital, they maintain many of the same bad policies we voted against in the previous election.
President Trump has implemented many good ideas, but his latest budget proves that he's operating under the same paradigm as his predecessors: spend more taxpayer money to achieve his goals, regardless of the consequences.
Our problem isn't with personnel -- our problem is with the structure of the federal government. We need to change that structure by effectively and permanently limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and we can only do that with an Article V Convention of States.
A Convention of States can propose constitutional amendments that force Congress to be fiscally responsible, shrink the power of the federal government, and mandate term limits for federal officials. These amendments can change the paradigm in D.C. from one that uses untold taxpayer dollars to try to solve all our problems to a small, less-powerful federal government that sticks to a limited set of issues.
We're working in all 50 states, and you can join your team today! Sign the Convention of States Petition below to get started.