Now that the Kavanaugh fiasco is more-or-less over, Americans are turning their attention to November’s midterm elections. The country will see if Republicans can stave off the “blue wave” or if they’ll let the Dems take back the House (and possibly the Senate). If Dems regain control, they’ll go after Trump and do everything in their power to stymie his agenda.
In two years, American voters will decide the next President, along with more members of the House.
In four years, we’ll be back to the midterms.
And on and on it goes…
Does it ever seem like the more things change in D.C., the more they stay the same? We send representatives to Washington, but the feds maintain their stranglehold on nearly every aspect of American life. We aren’t any more free than we were ten years ago, and in ten years we’ll likely be even less free than we are now. The debt will be larger, and federal power will have grown.
It’s time to break the cycle, and we can do it with an Article V Convention of States. A Convention of States can propose constitutional amendments that will truly shake things up in Washington. These amendments can eliminate dozens of useless, wasteful government agencies, force Congress to be fiscally responsible, and mandate term limits for federal officials.
Elections have their place, but if we really want to change how D.C. operates, we’ll throw our support behind the only solution as big as the problem: an Article V Convention of States.
Sign the petition below to get involved!