If you’ve been paying attention to the national news, you may be disappointed by what you’ve seen. While control of Congress is still up in the air, neither party seems thrilled about last night’s election results, which goes to show just how polarized we have become.
Both sides lost, so to speak, yet there is one group of people that emerged as clear winners: the grassroots.
You won’t hear about them in the mainstream media. Their stories won’t be told on the pages of The New York Times or The Washington Post. But the grassroots are the real heroes of this year’s midterm election.
They emerged as winners because they made a difference. Even if the elections did not turn out how many of them would have liked, they proved that they are a formidable force for freedom.
Many got involved to influence school board elections. Others campaigned (to the extent that was legally allowed) for pro-COS state legislators, while other volunteers ran successfully for office.
In North Carolina, for example, Convention of States volunteer Allen Chesser was elected to replace incumbent Representative James Gailliard, who voted against the COS resolution in 2021. In West Virginia, COS volunteer Jay Taylor won his race for State Senate by a landslide. Another volunteer, Adam Turk was elected to the Kansas House of Representatives with 52% of the vote.
These election victories–though shrugged off by the talking heads on Fox News and CNN–are promising for the future of the nation. It is, after all, on the state and local level that We the People can inspire the most change. Also, as COS President Mark Meckler has explained, state legislators are the only politicians in the country who can call an Article V Convention of States. This makes them more powerful than most people realize.
“There are really two primary reasons why we get involved in elections,” Convention of States’ Director of Grassroots, Jason Girard, explained. “First is that we’ve learned that… often it’s easier to elect pro-COS candidates than to move a legislator who is opposed to COS to support it.”
“Obviously, we can’t be involved in every single election, so even the elections that we’re not involved in, the fact that we are involved in key races, it builds tremendous political muscle for us as an organization,” Jason continued. “We want to move legislation. We want to get our resolutions passed. We want to be able to influence legislators–the ultimate way we hold our legislators accountable is by having the power and the ability to remove them from office, primary them next time around, and/or ensure that they get reelected if they’re doing the right things.”
“This is one of the reasons why getting involved in elections builds tremendous political muscle for us,” he added.
“We have been involved throughout the entire election. We were involved in the primaries and we have been involved in the general as well. We have done everything we can legally in each state.”
“I know that this election didn’t turn out exactly the way we would’ve liked it to, and we’re probably not seeing as much progress as we would want,” Jason acknowledged. “One of the things I would say as a positive is that we are just getting started.”
Rest assured, the grassroots aren't going anywhere.
As Mark Meckler declared: “The Republic has not ended. So whatever you’re thinking, whatever you’re reading in the media, whatever you’re reading from Republican pundits and experts and politicians; no, the Republic is not over. Chin up, the fight goes on.”
Convention of States is proud of its self-governing army. These patriots understood that civic duty means more than just voting on election day. Twenty-four-seven, three-sixty-five, they go all in to save our country, and we owe them an enormous debt of gratitude. By God’s grace, they are the heroes who keep our Republic alive.
To join us in our fight to save liberty, sign the COSA petition below!
The grassroots are the unsung heroes of the 2022 election
Published in Blog on November 09, 2022 by Jakob Fay