Just because We the People vote to remove a congressperson from office doesn't mean they leave The Swamp.
In this edition of Swamp Watch, Fox News' Steve Hilton unpacks how our elected representatives use their position to influence policy and line their pockets -- long after they've been voted out of office.
The best way to drain The Swamp? Look for solutions in the states.
That's exactly what we're working to achieve at the Convention of States Project.
An Article V Convention of States allows the people -- working through their state legislatures -- to propose constitutional amendments that limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.
These amendments can shrink the authority of many federal agencies and remove others altogether. They can force Congress to be fiscally responsible and remove the scourge of career politicians who turn into career lobbyists.
Millions have joined the movement, and dozens of states are currently considering the Convention of States Resolution.
Sign the Convention of States Petition below to show your state legislators that you support this movement to drain The Swamp!