Tuesday, April 25, 2023, Harrisburg, PA.
From the outset, I thought the ‘Surge to Harrisburg’ was an important initiative, and if I could, I should go. BUT was I going to make the 2-hour drive and show up in person? Was I going to walk the walk?
In the weeks leading up to Tuesday, April 25, the COSA PA leadership team worked tirelessly on the planning and communication for the event. Registrations and excitement were building as was my debate with myself.
I believe just about everyone-especially if you don’t consider yourself the ‘activist type’ will see a bit of yourself in my conversations with me:
‘You can’t make it. You have a work meeting you can’t miss plus two other events you committed to in the afternoon and evening. (What the heck is going on with Tuesday, April 25, anyway?)
BUT if you study the distances and times, you actually can do it all.
That will be an exhausting day. It’s too much.
BUT no more exhausting than lots of days. What are you getting old and wimpy?
You’re comfortable behind the scenes, not an out-in-front activist type. There’s been a great response-over 200 registered. What difference will one more make?
BUT attendance could be lower than hoped, especially in the middle of a workday. One more body might make a difference. Regardless, you certainly won’t be alone.
You’ve never been to the State Capitol Building. You don’t know what to expect. Will we be unwelcome? What are we going to do? Will it be chaos?
Well, you should know what to expect. There’s been great communication, planning, and training all along the way.
You might learn a lot, knucklehead. Be inspired, even.
Stop preaching to me.
At some point, it’s time to walk the walk.
Shut up. Get in the car.
We can all rationalize that the pull and demands of our daily lives are a top priority. We’re comfortable and busy there. And those things are important. But it’s also what has gotten us into this mess.
I speak for myself when I say that a lifetime of trying to do all the right things in our work, family, community, and lives has led to complacency, lack of attention, and self-education in politics and government.
Nearly every sentient adult I talk to-of any age, political leaning, or station in life- is very worried and wondering, What the hell is happening to our country? It has gotten much worse very quickly. We battle a nagging anxiety that it’s too late and too far gone.
It’s human nature to want to turn away from the awful and scary spotlight of awareness. So much better to focus on the positive, absorbing, joyful things in life. Spending time with those you love, engaging in hobbies, passions, and meaningful work. (Then of course there is the anesthetic of social media and streaming services).
So daily life continues, and the pages of the calendar keep turning while those most blessed by the bounty of our nation attack it the most viciously.
But what will the future hold for our children? What will this all mean for our grandchildren? What kind of America will we bequeath, compared to the one entrusted to us?
We hope if we ignore the crisis, it will go away.
However, if we ignore it now, as daunting and awful as it is, what will go away is everything of value-liberty, independent thought, the ability to pursue our idea of happiness, our hard-earned property, faith, and healthy family values. In short, all that has made this unique and extraordinary nation possible.
For myself, I believe if I am not willing to do something, I lose the right to complain.
Once I saw the Convention of States Action solution, I could not unsee it. Of all options and ideas, an Article V Convention of States just makes the most sense. Claw back the power God granted to "We the People", as our Founders intended. Fight to keep our country as they warned we would have to.
Learning led to sharing, handing out flyers, explaining, and asking people to consider signing the petition, to donate if they could. I had a few wins and yes, that is doing a bit of something, but it was just me in my little microcosm of the world.
There ARE actions we can take to make a bigger impact. We can fight back- political party, race, religion aside- we can fight together as Americans for America.
On Tuesday I met intelligent, informed, civil, like-minded patriots, passionately protective of our blessed nation. Fighters, citizens unwilling to turn a blind eye. That alone inspires hope and re-energizes me.
I left a personal note for my representative. I visited and toured the Capitol. The intimidation factor was erased. I got to know the lay of the land. That is more than a little something.
We showed up separately. We acted together. I am proud that in the end, we showed up.
What can you do to help?
- Become an ever more engaged self-governing activist - as citizens are intended to be.
- Show up now and be persistent, call your legislators regularly.
- Spread our positive unifying message as often as possible.
- Please take this brief survey to help COSA PA leadership plan future events in the capital building.