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to call for a

Convention of States!


The Convention of States Foundation's simulation of an interstate convention will be broadcast live to prove once and for all that the Framers knew exactly what they were doing when they added the Article V Convention of States method to propose amendments to the Constitution.

Published in Spread the Word Blog on July 26, 2023 by COSA PA Comms Team

Communism is Perfect. 

EXCEPT- to arrive at this state of perfection, a handful of imperfect people must become all-powerful, controlling everything and everyone. That is until the people are fully prepared and qualified to be self-governing. 

At that point, power would transfer from the elite few to the people.  The problem is that the usurpers of power NEVER voluntarily relinquish it. Which is exactly why, of course, it will never happen.

This is the inherent and fatal flaw with the entire Progressive (Communist, Socialist) idea. 

The Progressive "agenda" is to move each successive generation further and further away from the principles this country was founded on.  This makes it easier and achievable - for progressives to indoctrinate the next generation so they adopt their beliefs as gospel.

For Progressives, rewriting history, inciting racial conflict, promoting class warfare, and destroying the moral fiber and family structure of this nation are nothing but strategies for achieving a goal. And they have been extremely focused and effective at executing their objective.

Progressivism, under its varying names (Liberalism, Communism, Socialism), as espoused by famous and infamous characters such as Engels, Marx, Owen, Guillard, London, Shaw, and others, has been with us since its founding in London in the late 1800s with The Fabian Society.

“Our Progressives” in the United States have been here for well over one hundred years.  Originally “The Bull Moose Party” The Progressive Party was established during the lead-up to the 1912 presidential Republican Primary.

Since then, Progressivism has been nudging this country further and further from its founding principles.  They have infiltrated every branch and level of government to affect the change they deem ‘necessary for the advancement of mankind’.

Progressive ideology uses human nature that dictates people will always be imperfect; therefore, they can never be ready for self-governance. So conveniently, powers usurped will never shift back to the people or be voluntarily relinquished.

You recognize this pattern of course, because it has happened in D.C. over the past 100 years, accelerating at an alarming pace over the past 50 years. 

Washington D.C. is the classic definition of Socialism, the power a relatively small number of power-hungry tyrants have grabbed and have now successfully concentrated that power to dictate to the rest of us how we may think and how we may live our lives.

The great irony is that the vision of Communism to create a classless society of self-governing citizens; is, in reality, exactly what the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution created almost 250 years ago.

How do we restore the principles this country was founded on?

  • limited government
  • self-governance
  • individual freedom
  • equal justice, and
  • power emanating from the people

We use Article V of the Constitution to propose amendments that will restore the balance of power between the federal government and the states. The framers gave the states the convention of states method to propose amendments for precisely this reason.  They knew we would need a source of power outside of the corrupting influence inside the Beltway.

Unfortunately, today, many have abdicated their responsibility to remain engaged and informed; they have swallowed the taradiddles the elites have been spinning to keep the status quo in place. Too many good people fear using the only constitutional remedy we have to restrain the government.

The Convention of States Foundation works to allay people’s fears once and for all.

The Foundation is bringing Legislators from all 50 states together to participate in a simulation of an interstate convention!

They have gathered over 350 proposed amendments from supporters for the “commissioners” to choose from, debate, and vote on. 

It is time for “We the People” to see with our own eyes the process in action and decide for ourselves what is true.

The simulation will be broadcast live starting at 9:00 AM (Eastern) on Friday, August 4, 2023. Register now to reserve your seat to watch history in the making. 

You may also register to host a watch party and share this unique experience with your friends and family.

Imagine that we already have the power; now, we just need to use it.

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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