According to Axios, the mayor of Washington, D.C., Muriel Bowser, has “declared a public emergency… in response to thousands of migrants from the southern border being sent to the city on buses from Arizona and Texas.”
For the past several months, governors Greg Abbot (TX) and Doug Ducey (AZ) have sent busloads of illegal immigrants to the nation’s capital in response to the federal government’s refusal to take ownership of its failed immigration policies. Nearly 10,000 immigrants have arrived via state-sent buses since April of this year.
The district complained that it does not have the resources to take care of the immigrants–something it ironically expects border towns in Texas and Arizona to do even though these states are generally opposed to the federal government’s lenient border policies.
For nearly two years, politicians and the media have tried to gloss over or cover up the Biden-induced crisis on the southern border. But, now that the crisis has hit closer to home, they suddenly are very concerned. They still aren’t concerned with addressing the root cause of the problem: faulty immigration policies. No, they’re only concerned that they have to deal with the consequences.
Herein lies the true genius of the governors’ so-called “stunt”; it forces the government under Joe Biden to take responsibility for his politics rather than pushing the repercussions onto states that are openly opposed to the President’s liberal stance on illegal immigration.
It also exposes what is most important to the political elites in Washington. They couldn’t care less that unconsenting states had to play hostess to thousands of immigrants. But when that responsibility was tossed back to them, it suddenly became a big deal.
Vanity Fair put out a piece titled “GOP Governors Have Successfully Created a Migrant Crisis In Washington.” The article sympathetically portrays the unfair plight of migrants now housed in D.C. It accuses Governor Abbot and Governor Ducey of “exploiting” them. Further, it notes that Mayor Bowser even called for the National Guard to be deployed in an attempt to stop the “crisis.”
Why didn’t they dramatize the crisis in Texas or Arizona? Why are politicians enraged that their cities have to feed and board the people they invited into the country?
The answer is simple: our out-of-touch federal government only cares about itself. For as long as the problem lay in the hands of the states, D.C. was unconcerned. But the tides have turned and now D.C. admits what we’ve all known for months–that the immigration crisis is, well, just that… a crisis.
As the Convention of States Project previously noted, “[w]hen federal policies coming from Washington force states to comply with harmful orders, such as open border policies, the states can take things into their own hands – to an extent. State power has been eroded by federal overreach that grabs ahold of issues that should be left to the people and their states.”
The greatest way to enable all states – not just Arizona and Texas – to reclaim power from the federal government is to call a Convention of States. Join the movement today and sign the petition below!
Texas, Arizona send illegal immigrants to Washington, federal government suddenly cares about immigration crisis
Published in Blog on September 09, 2022 by Jakob Fay