Apparently, in the U.K., “homophobia” is now an arrestable “hate crime,” and the police are targeting teenaged, autistic culprits.
West Yorkshire Police face severe criticism after seven officers were recorded roughly arresting a 16-year-old girl with autism for the ostensibly horrific crime of uttering the word “lesbian” in public. Reportedly, the young girl commented that one of the officers looked “like my lesbian nana” before they showed up at her home and carried her away.
“My daughter told me the police officer looked like her nana, who is a lesbian,” the girl’s mother explained. “The officer took it the wrong way and said it was a homophobic comment (it wasn’t). The officer then entered my home. My daughter was having panic attacks from being touched by them and they still continued to manhandle her.”
Video of the arrest, uploaded to TikTok, shows the mom arguing with the presumably lesbian officer, protesting that her daughter is autistic.
“I don’t care,” the officer fires back, cockily. “She’s gonna get arrested. I’m telling you… she’s gonna get arrested tonight.”
“You’re going to remove her for what,” the irate mom asks. “Because she said the word lesbian? Her nana is a lesbian, she’s married to a woman. She’s not homophobic!”
In the end, the girl is dragged out of her home, crying, as her mom warns that she suffers from severe scoliosis and, therefore, would be pained by the officers’ rough treatment.
Watch the full video below:
UK: A mother in Leeds captured terrifying footage of West Yorkshire Police brutally arresting her 16-year-old autistic daughter for "homophobia."
— REDUXX (@ReduxxMag) August 10, 2023
She told Reduxx that her child was in custody for 20 hours despite not knowing what the charges were.
Initially, West Yorkshire Police urged the public not to draw conclusions from the video; however, the department has launched an investigation into the incident. According to U.K. law, a hate crime is defined as any “incident/crime which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice towards a person because of their sexual orientation or transgender identity or perceived sexual orientation or transgender identity by the victim or any other person [emphasis mine].” Regardless of what the investigation uncovers about this particular event, the mere perception of hostility or prejudice toward transgender persons is a low bar for hate crimes!
Unfortunately, much of the Western world is moving in that direction, cracking down on even the faintest whiffs of “homophobia.” We’re heading into a world where teenage girls are arrested for nothing more than “suspicion of a homophobic public order offense.” The U.S. is almost certainly only a few years behind.
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