Strategy is important. It helps manage any organization in the right direction. Or it can force an organization in a less desirable direction. It is something that needs to be carefully managed. Good strategy can also improve an organizations effectiveness and efficiency. Or it can do the opposite and enable bad things to happen.
We at Convention of States understand that we need to be more effective and efficient. We need to stop the forces aligning against an Article V check on our reckless Central Government. We need to stop those that refuse to allow us to manage our own government.
That is why Wisconsin Convention of States is meeting on March 9, 2023. Wisconsin Convention of States will discuss and develop strategy to develop and manage WI COS in the right direction and to increase our effectiveness and efficiency.
Strategy is how our Founders crafted a group of efficient and effective limits on the growth and power of the new central government. Why were they worried at the 1778 Constitutional Convention about concentrated power? Because they created a central government with that very Constitution. And they personally experienced an out-of-control central government under English rule.
They, the framers of our Constitution knew that men are capable of rationalizing any power grab. Therefore, it is likely that government will expand. Especially when there are large sums of money involved. Our current Federal Government has created many ways to produce large sums of money, by printing, loaning, regulating, and now a “new” way: forgive student debt. Often these methods have the exceptional benefit of encouraging citizens to vote a particular way. This practice ensures these methods a long and persistent life. This is a very effective and efficient strategy in the wrong direction.
What are some of the tools the founders gave the people to manage their Central Government?
1. Separation of Powers among the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government. Each branch has their own power. This ensures no one branch has too much power. Cooperation between the branches is required to accomplish policy making goals which limits what each branch might want to do.
2. Checks and Balances – It is defined as “a system that allows each branch of a government to amend or veto acts of another branch so as to prevent any one branch from having too much power.”1[1]
Each of the three branches of government has checks and balances over the other two branches. Congress makes laws, the President can veto them, and the Supreme Court can declare them unconstitutional.
For example, the legislative branch (Congress) has the following checks and balances on the other branches
--- Senate approves justices
--- The House can impeach justices
--- The Senate tries impeached justices
--- Congress can create amendments
--- Congress can set jurisdiction for the court
--- Congress can alter the size o the Supreme Court
3. Veto – The founders gave the people, the Presidential Veto to generally to check and balance legislators. Veto – “a power of one department or branch of a government to forbid or prohibit finally or provisionally the carrying out of projects attempted by another department. Especially: a power vested in a chief executive to prevent permanently or temporarily the enactment of measures passed by a legislature”[2]
4. Federalism – “the distribution of power in an organization (such as a government) between a central authority and the constituent units. Under our system of Federalism, states bear the primary responsibility for defining and controlling criminal behavior.”[3]
5. Enumerated Powers of the national government, all other powers belong with the States. The ten enumerated powers in the Constitution are “lay and collect taxes”, “pay debts and borrow money”, “regulate commerce”, “coin money”, “establish post offices”, protect patents and copyrights”, “establish lower courts”, “declare war”, “raise and support an Army and Navy”.
6. Article V The founders also gave the people Article V of the Constitution as a check on concentrated power. It gives our State Legislators, the ability to convene a Convention of States to write amendments, which then need to be ratified by 75% of the state legislators. We can use Article V to limit our Federal Government.
Our Convention of States Article V Resolution is focused on three subjects:
A. Fiscal Responsibility – The Federal Government has spent us into over 31 trillion in debt.
B. Term Limits – Congress and the deep state will never limit their power. Our professional politian’s are lining their pockets with our children’s money.
C. Stop the Overreach – So many examples. The Covid Vaccine will prevent one from getting Covid. Untrue. Masks are required. With no benefit. They shut down our economy. Unprecedented. The FBI paid Twitter to cancel publishing tweets detrimental to one party. Using our own tax money to do it! Extreme corruption,
On March 9, 2023, Wisconsin Convention of States will discuss and develop strategy to manage us in the right direction and to increase our effectiveness and efficiency.
Please, Pray for us. We are praying for our Country
[1] Merriam – Webster Dictionary, internet edition, searched 3-3-2023
[2] Merriam – Webster Dictionary, internet edition, searched 3-3-2023
[3] Merriam – Webster Dictionary, internet edition, searched 3-3-2023