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to call for a

Convention of States!


What Do Activists and Salmon Have in Common?

Published in Blog on August 30, 2021 by Bridget Carnley

Pull together a meeting to explain and discuss the strategies and tactics of Convention of States and you will get an enthusiastic, engaged and encouraged group of citizen activists and volunteers.

Pull together a meeting to talk about Convention of States and you will also get fearful, angry, and frustrated citizen activists and volunteers wanting to express tactical ways to stop or slow down the craziness of the Federal Government. Who can blame them?

It is difficult not to be emotional and passionate considering the political climate in America today.

Who are these citizen activists? Citizen activists are citizens who take action in opposition or support of a cause. In the case of Convention of States, it is an action to save our nation from an out-of-control federal government and return to what was really intended by our founding fathers.

Is citizen activist a negative word? Well, that depends on what side of the fence or isle you are on. Regardless, both sides use strategies and tactics.

At a recent COS meeting in Florida’s District 1, Dan Nolan, a COS supporter spoke realistically about strategy and tactics. He stood and told the group of thirty-plus that “strategy alone is a slow path to victory. Tactics only, is the noise before the defeat. Strategy and tactics have to go hand in hand.”

Convention of States is both strategic and tactical. The strategy, is the plan to achieve calling a Convention of States based on Article V of the Constitution to debate, propose, and draft amendments strategically leaning toward term limits, fiscal responsibility and reigning in federal government overreach. 

Tactically, Convention of States’ plan to achieve that specific goal is to build and mobilize citizen activists and volunteers in every state. Volunteers help educate “We the People” on the Constitution and build relationship and get involved in our communities and let them know what Convention of States is about.

Implemented strategies and tactics take time but once the goal is achieved it has long term effects. State legislative bodies do not move fast. Their processes vary, they have a ton of state issues to address and lobbying for a convention of the states draws strong opposition.

Fighting for Article V and Convention of States is like Atlantic Salmon swimming upstream to get to their spawning area. They must fight the strong currents, the rock beds, and hungry predators. Their strategy is to reach the spawning area. Their tactics is to do what they must to get around the obstacles to get there. Atlantic Salmon are relentless; they do not give up.

Convention of States citizen activists do not give up either. They are fighters and have been since 2014. COS is making its way upstream to get 32 House of Representatives to vote for a resolution to call a convention of the states. We are almost halfway there with 15 states passing resolutions.

Citizen activists believe in the Constitution because it works. Two-hundred and fifty years has proven it to be the longest running, and most successful Republic in the world and now we see it being sabotaged. 

The organizers and leader of Convention of States have set a path to victory using strategies and tactics that go hand and hand. 

Convention of States volunteers know the strategy. Now it remains up to us to use COS tactics of educating “We the People” on the Constitution, educating ourselves and building relationships in our communities so they are aware that Article V of the Constitution is the only viable solution of regaining the original premise “that the Constitution was to restrain the government – least it come to dominate our lives and interests”…Patrick Henry.

The Constitution was almost lost until Benjamin Franklin called the men to pray to Almighty God. Let’s remember to use prayer in our strategy and tactics that state House of Representatives take action to protect the Constitution and will be determined to pass resolutions to call a Convention of States soon.

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