If George Washington or Thomas Jefferson appeared in the United States in 2020, what would they say?
They'd probably have lots of observations about the morality and culture of modern society, but they'd be most curious about how their Constitution has held up over time.
Did it provide an effective check on federal power? Have federal and state governments maintained the balance of power Washington and Jefferson wrote into the federalist system? And are our federal representatives true statesmen or power-hungry politicians?
They'd no doubt be pleased that our country has grown so large, prosperous, and powerful, but they'd be dismayed at the massive role the federal government plays in our daily lives. They'd be concerned that the executive branch has amassed so much power, that Congress has handed lawmaking authority to non-elected bureaucrats, and that the Supreme Court effectively amends the Constitution with each decision.
But most of all, they'd want to know: "Why haven't the states checked federal power by calling an Article V Convention of States?"
As state director for Convention of States Maryland explained before state legislative committee, the founders would have wanted the states to rein in the power of Washington, D.C., and get our nation back on track.
Want to join Steve and help implement the Founders' solution to federal overreach? Sign the petition below!