There is only one Being in history that can be cited absolutely as exemplifying Servant Leadership. That is the Master Himself, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Jesus did not come for idle amusement, nor for caulking up material accolades. When He died, the only thing that could be said to be His was the seamless robe He wore.
But upon His death on the Cross, He left a legacy that would span millennia. He walked upright, spoke frankly, and never broke His Word.
A person's life might be cut short following His example strictly. But it might be a meaningful death. On the other side of the Ledger, God's Ledger, Jesus was sent to save us all. His death was necessary, and He accepted it.
Jesus thought of other People, never Himself. He told the Pharisees of their hypocrisy and how they said noble words that they might be honored, esteemed, held high in others' eyes. Jesus honored His Father with His words, and was never slow in finding the occasional fish for 3,000 or 5,000 people plus families. He had the power, and used it, to heal countless citizens of diseases and maladies.
Jesus Walked the Talk. He did not expect riches and honorifics. He looked for my salvation and that of all others for eternity. He did not demand needless sacrifice nor foolish, violent uprisings. He told the people to “give unto Caesar what is Caesar's”, such as the taxes that emperor demanded.
Jesus gave far more than money to people. He gave Wisdom, Hope, and a future in Heaven with Him. He did not blame anything that happened to Himself on the people, for it was the Father's Will. He asked the Father “to forgive them, for they know not what they do”.
So how do I think someone today could demonstrate servant leadership? Jesus overturned the tables of the money changers in the Temple. He prophesied the end times, how brother and sister would be separated if one followed the Lord, and one did not. He elicited Matthew's (the tax collector's) conversion from that of a greedy parasite to a person who gave back what he took unfairly and throughout Jesus' Ministry gave his own wealth in support of that Ministry.
Is it not the End Times? Jesus said He would return. Is He not here? I think He is. And perhaps it is time to “stand up and be counted.” Perhaps it's time to separate the wheat from the chaff. Throw the scum from the Temple. Vote them out. Sound off about what they have done so wrongly, and what they have not done that would indeed be righteous. The Good Lord Almighty will truly be the Wind at your back.
Take God's Country & World back. Call a Convention of States through Article V of the Constitution. Limit the government's reach, be sound with the money it spends, and enact term limits to forbid perpetual power to those who would seize it. It is God's Country, please give it back to Him.
This article was submitted by James R. Stewart from Texas.
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