Most federal politicians possess almost zero real integrity. They'll take whatever position is politically expedient in the moment even if it directly contradicts their past statements.
This unfortunate reality isn't relegated to a single side of the aisle, but the latest (hilarious) example comes from Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.
As his party ramps up calls to end the filibuster and destroy what little respect the Senate has left, he's made no bones about his support for the president's plan.
There's just one problem: Sen. Schumer has spoken at length in the past about the disastrous consequences of eliminating the 60-vote majority requirement in Congress's higher chamber. As Sen. Tom Cotton hilariously demonstrated, Sen. Schumer's previous statements could be combined to form a powerful speech against Sen. Schumer's current position.
🚨 BREAKING: Chuck Schumer* speaks on the Senate floor in defense of the filibuster.
— Tom Cotton (@SenTomCotton) January 12, 2022
*Senator Cotton’s speech consisted entirely of Senator Schumer’s past statements.
Sen. Cotton's stunt makes for a good laugh, but there's a deeper problem at work that all Americans should care about.
If the federal government had stayed within its original constitutional bounds, the lack of integrity among its leaders wouldn't be as large of a concern as it is today. If Washington could only control those topics expressly mentioned in the Constitution--and all other issues were left to the states and the people--corruption and double-dealing wouldn't have such a negative affect on everyday Americans.
Unfortunately, the federal government hasn't stayed within its constitutional bounds. It's used bad Supreme Court decisions to expand its power, and now, it can control virtually every area of American life.
Chuck Schumer, in other words, can control virtually every area of American life. That's something all Americans, no matter their party, should be concerned about.
Part of the solution might be to elect "better" politicians. It certainly couldn't hurt. But the reason Washington is so corrupt is because it is so powerful. If we want to deal with the integrity problem in D.C., we must get at the heart of the issue and shrink the size, scope, and jurisdiction of the federal government.
That's what Article V gives the states the power to do. An Article V Convention of States is called and controlled by the states and can propose constitutional amendments that get the feds back in their constitutional box. These amendments can limit federal power, spending, and terms of office, and return power where it belongs: with the people and the states.
To join the movement, sign the petition below!