Term limits for members of the U.S. Congress are one of the most popular, bi-partisan proposals in our nation today. And yet, Congress refuses to adhere to the will of the people.
As Texas Sen. Ted Cruz explains in the segment below, term limits would keep members of Congress from growing their wealth and influence -- and drain the swamp more effectively than almost anything else.
Unfortunately, for the very reasons he explains, Sen. Cruz's amendment is unlikely to see the light of day (and may have been written with that reality in mind). That's why the people and the states need to come together to call the first-ever Convention of States.
A Convention of States is held under Article V of the Constitution and has the power to propose constitutional amendments like the one Sen. Cruz has developed. It's the only way to drain the swamp, and if our federal leaders are truly serious about draining the swamp, they'll join the millions of Americans already on board.