It took awhile, but proponents of big-government healthcare have finally admitted that Medicare-for-All will raise taxes on all Americans -- not just the super rich.
One of the biggest Medicare-for-All proponents, Sen. Bernie Sanders, let the cat out of the bag on a recent appearance on CNN.
"The wealthy will obviously pay the lion's share of those taxes but at the end of the day, the vast majority of the American people will pay substantially less for the health care than they now receive because we're going to do away with hundreds of billion dollars of administrative waste. We're going to do away with the incredible profiteering of the insurance companies and the drug companies. So people will be paying in some cases more in taxes but overall because they're not gonna pay premiums, deductible or co-payments, they'll be paying less for their health care," Sanders continued.
"So is Vice President Biden correct that anybody who says Medicare for all is going to happen, but we're not gonna raise taxing on anybody or on the middle class is in a fantasy world?" Tapper pressed.
"Well obviously health care is not free. We pay for it through premiums and out-of-pocket expenses and in Canada it is paid through taxes. We'll have to do that," Sanders said.
This isn't actually news, of course. We've always known that top-down big-government schemes always require Americans to pay more in taxes. And we've also known that a takeover of the American healthcare system can't be funded only by the rich. It will require more money from all Americans, from the richest to the poorest.
This is the course big-government programs always take. Their advocates make big promises, but at the end of the day the American people are left with a corrupt, inefficient, expensive system that does nothing but expand the power and scope of the federal government.
Fortunately, there is a solution. An Article V Convention of States is called and controlled by the people -- acting through the state legislatures -- and has the power to propose constitutional amendments.
These amendments can limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government as a whole, prohibiting large-scale takeovers of American industries and transferring that decision-making power back to the people and the states.
Millions have signed the Petition and 15 states are on board. Sign your name to the list by filling out the petition below!